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Curiouser & curiouser

What is the origin of the phrase 'for toffee', as in 'he can't write for toffee'?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 2 ответа
I understand the phrase slightly differently. "Toffee" here means something of small value. A variation would be "tuppence" (i.e two pence), as in "he can't ride for tuppence". So the... Читать далее
Free range turkey farmer, Phoenix Free Range

Why don’t we eat turkey eggs?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
It all really comes down to what is commercially viable. If you have a turkey and that turkey lays eggs, you’re going to get much more money by hatching those eggs and rearing the young... Читать далее
Chocolate expert, writer and food industry consultant. Founder of Chocolate Ecstasy Tours and Taste Tripper. @chocolateguide

Why does American chocolate taste so weird?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
This is a question I get asked a lot, and one of my favourite ones to answer. There are several reasons why chocolate in the US tastes particularly disgusting to non-Americans. >... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

Why does instant coffee get so sticky when it's wet, but real coffee doesn't?

спрашиваетStuart Muirhead  · 1 ответ
This is because the two named coffee products are completely different in their qualities.  'Real' coffee is prepared relatively easy: coffee beans are roasted, sorted and ground. All the... Читать далее
User of The Question

How many carrots would you have to eat to make yourself ill?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 2 ответа
Thank you, this is very useful and I shall be showing it to my wife who eats carrots by the ton. One more thing: is there any truth in the urban myth that if you eat too many carrots you... Читать далее

How can I get one of these cool albino passports?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
Well, firstly to qualify for this uniquely nude-toned passport (very much in this season!) one is required to lose, deface or have their passport stolen abroad, stranding them in a... Читать далее
Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12

Is a pint of beer really as fattening as two Mars bars?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
No. Two Mars bars contain 520 calories. Alcohol does contain calories and is often forgotten about when individuals consider their calorie intake. A pint of beer typically contains 208... Читать далее
Professional chef and author of 'My Simple Italian'. Proprietor of Theo Randall at the InterContinental Hotel London. @TheoRandall

Why is parmesan cheese so moreish?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Good food is not just about flavour. It’s about texture and the texture of parmesan cheese is amazing. There’s no cheese like it. It’s got that incredible crystalline, nutty texture. And... Читать далее
Company Nutritionist for Spoon Guru, Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr), BSc Nutrition, King's College London. @TheRootCause0

Why does asparagus make my wee smell funny?

спрашиваетStuart Muirhead  · 1 ответ
This question has baffled people for years. Why does asparagus make our wee smell strange, but also why does the phenomenon only affect some people, with others unable to tell any differen... Читать далее
Associate Editor, the Oxford English Dictionary.

What would sandwiches be called if not for the Earl of Sandwich?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 1 ответ
I think we all agree that the sandwich is named after the 4th Earl of Sandwich John Montagu (1718-1792). However, why exactly he gave his name to the snack is less certain. It is Edward... Читать далее