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About? About me? Well that is a complex answer. I change with every new experience.

How do you stay optimistic when life seems to be a catastrophe?

спрашиваетVictoria Medvedeva  · 2 ответа
Catastrophic or in a depressive state? Life is full of heartache and hardships. Life is full of change and lessons learned, often the hard way. We lose people we love, we lose things we... Читать далее
Врач-офтальмолог высшей категории, офтальмохирург, к.м.н.

Почему иногда, когда глаз слезится, зрение становится лучше?

спрашиваетFreez Brotta  · 1 ответ

Пленка слезы на роговице несколько меняет оптические параметры преломления последней, вследствие чего может на короткое мгновение несколько изменяться острота зрения.

1 эксперт согласен
Елена Никишина
Кинолог, обожаю собак, домашнюю птицу и огород

Можно ли провести время бесполезно?

Можно и даже порой нужно, чтобы отдохнуть. Можно даже провалиться весь день в кровати, посмотреть какую нибудь комедию, или просто пойти в парк, в общем надо просто отдохнуть
Photographer, writer, Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, EMERGENCY UK trustee and Ambassador for the charity Find A Better Way. @gilesduley

What is it like to be blown up in an explosion?

спрашиваетAndrew Male  · 1 ответ
It’s hard to summarise. I was in Kandahar, and I was on patrol, embedded with a group of American soldiers. I wasn't really interested in doing a story on people firing guns. My interest... Читать далее
Recruiter based in London, previously based in Hong Kong.

Which degree courses will get me the best job in the 2020s?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
The degree you choose in university doesn’t necessarily translate into getting you the best job. “Best job” as a term is pretty vague, and the majority of students in university won’t... Читать далее
About? About me? Well that is a complex answer. I change with every new experience.

How does someone cope mentally with life-changing injuries?

спрашиваетAndrew Male  · 2 ответа
In any way they can. Everyone is different and what gets one through may not another. So I can only give my personal experience and the after affects. I was held against my will by a... Читать далее

What should I do if I ever get shot at?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 2 ответа
В отношении пятой колонны хорошо написал ГАФТ об «Эхо Москвы». Муха бьётся о стекло - Рядышком окно открыто. Или муху припекло, Или после менингита. Ловко делает она Агрессивные... Читать далее

What's the best way to get a job at McKinsey?

спрашиваетNatalia Bessilina  · 1 ответ
> You’ll find it hard to work under such pressure without a sense of humor. > Creating an unrivalled environment for exceptional people – this is one of the key values of the McKinsey... Читать далее
Professor of Modern History, Keele University, author of Picturing the Closet: Male Secrecy and Homosexual Visibility in Britain and Visions of Queer Martyrdom from John Henry Newman to Derek Jarman

Why don't gay men and lesbians get along better?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Lesbians have two major issues that they may have to confront: the current state of, and historical background to, discrimination against women, namely misogyny; and discrimination... Читать далее

18+ контент

Мы посчитали, что не все хотят видеть подобный контент в ленте, но вам виднее.
We love art that encompasses historical knowledge and would like to teach you how to read artworks by yourself, using the skills acquired by attending our art tours from the Renaissance to Modernity.

It's the most boring time of the year. What should I do?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 6 ответов
All the great answers I read here, thank you for your advice, guys :) Just would like to add few tips as well: Download "smule"Sing! application and enjoy singing your favourite songs... Читать далее