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migration studies enthusiast

What do integration tests for migrants aim to achieve, and how useful have they proven to be?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
Integration tests for migrants initially started as language tests. Many countries across the world that have a large migrant intake (mostly "Western" countries) introduced these in... Читать далее
Prof Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford @dannydorling

Which countries have had the most successful migration policies and why?

спрашиваетAnastasia Krasnoperova  · 2 ответа
It’s remarkable how little research is available comparing the success of different countries’ immigration policies. This is partly because it is such a delicate topic, and partly because... Читать далее
Senior Lecturer in Migration and Politics, University of Kent at Brussels/ Brussels School of International Studies @KentBSIS

What is the difference between a migrant and an expat?

спрашиваетAnna Sorokina  · 1 ответ
A group of foreigners live together in a closely bounded area, often seeing each other for dinner or for children’s sporting events. The mothers usually see each other as they drop their... Читать далее
То ли метафизически свободная сущность, то ли максимизатор полезности.

Do anti-immigration attitudes correlate with knowledge of or exposure to certain "facts" about immigration, or do they stem from a set value system people hold?

спрашиваетАрсений  · 1 ответ
The offered options are neither mutually exclusive, nor collectively exhaustive. Even more importantly, there is no reason whatsoever that attitudes would spring from a single source, and... Читать далее
University of Toronto Professor of History, and author of fifteen books on international migration, gender and food studies. @drg1949

Is it possible to talk about emancipation of women in Western societies if women still take care of household & children, but they are hired migrants?

спрашиваетAnastasia Krasnoperova  · 1 ответ
First of all, it depends on what you mean by emancipation. There are two possible measures of emancipation, neither of which in my opinion is particularly good. One of them is achieved... Читать далее
University of Toronto Professor of History, and author of fifteen books on international migration, gender and food studies. @drg1949

Will deportations under Trump create jobs for American workers?

спрашиваетAlice Beardmore-Gray  · 1 ответ
Mass deportations would likely have a significant and negative, effect on the US economy because these migrants are working in a very wide range of jobs, and many of them jobs that... Читать далее
University of Toronto Professor of History, and author of fifteen books on international migration, gender and food studies. @drg1949

How does the feminisation of migration affect the role of women in both developed and developing societies?

спрашиваетAnastasia Krasnoperova  · 1 ответ
The big answer is perhaps “not as much as people think.” Women have always migrated, and migrated over long distances, they’ve never been sedentary. So many of our assumptions about... Читать далее
Докторант факультета социологии Кембриджского университета. Изучаю миграцию и медиа. Twitter: @OZeveleva

What is the difference between a migrant and a refugee?

спрашиваетJon Roozenbeek  · 1 ответ
A migrant is any person who goes from one place to another, often seeking work, education, family reunification, etc. A refugee is someone who is forced to migrate. “Forced migration” is... Читать далее
University of Toronto Professor of History, and author of fifteen books on international migration, gender and food studies. @drg1949

How is Trump's approach to refugees connected to the policies of the Obama administration?

спрашиваетLaura Overmeyer  · 1 ответ
I’d begin answering this question with a very broad statement. Obama came into office in 2008 as a person promising to work in a bipartisan fashion, with both Democrats and Republicans... Читать далее
Working on refugee and migration issues for 30+ years.

Does the US accept relatively more or fewer refugees than other Western countries?

спрашиваетNeil Amos  · 1 ответ
Does the US accept relatively more or fewer refugees than other Western countries? My answer looks at the number of refugees accepted by the US in relation to all other countries, not... Читать далее