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Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

Are Naked smoothies actually good for you?

спрашиваетJack Bushell  · 1 ответ
First, let's answer the more general question: "Are smoothies good for you?"  Smoothies are crushed fruit and/or vegetables blended with ice with the addition of other things, such as... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

What's the healthiest sandwich I can buy from Pret a Manger?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
To answer this question, we should start with a definition of 'the healthiest'. According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, the British population has tremendously high intakes... Читать далее
User of The Question

How many carrots would you have to eat to make yourself ill?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 2 ответа
Thank you, this is very useful and I shall be showing it to my wife who eats carrots by the ton. One more thing: is there any truth in the urban myth that if you eat too many carrots you... Читать далее
Lecturer in Sustainability Science at the University of Southampton. (Co)author of over 30 peer reviewed science papers and book chapters, and over 35 popular science and environmental articles. @JamesGDyke

Why do people eat meat?

спрашиваетHazel Sharrad  · 1 ответ
Humans evolved to eat meat. Carnivory shaped Homo sapiens bodies and behaviour. We have forward facing eyes, pointed canine teeth, and a digestive system that can efficiently process... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

Do mustards, horseradish sauce, mint sauce and other condiments need to be refrigerated?

спрашиваетLili Harges  · 1 ответ
The short answer would be to store them all in the refrigerator once opened. The named condiments can all last for months (always check the label and try not to exceed a use-by date!) if... Читать далее
Sociology lecturer currently "between contracts" and grassroots animal advocate.

What does it take to convince someone to abandon a meat/dairy based diet and adopt a vegan one?

спрашиваетJohn Page  · 2 ответа
Even though the question focuses on diet, I would de-emphasise that initially and start with vegan philosophy - the thing that drives a vegan's diet. Veganism is a radical justice-for-all... Читать далее
Lecturer in appetite & obesity at the University of Liverpool. @EmmaBoyland

Why is fast food so tasty?

спрашиваетAngell Madeleinne  · 2 ответа
There are many factors affecting the food decisions we make. Some are more complex than others, and often it has less to do with conscious decision making on our part and more to do with... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

If a zombie apocalypse happens, what food should I get from the supermarket to help me survive longer?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
Water. When the zombie apocalypse happens, there are high chances that clean water won't be easily accessible. Even if you run out of food, your body will use the reserves, such as... Читать далее
Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12

Is a pint of beer really as fattening as two Mars bars?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
No. Two Mars bars contain 520 calories. Alcohol does contain calories and is often forgotten about when individuals consider their calorie intake. A pint of beer typically contains 208... Читать далее
Nutritionist and columnist. @AmandaUrsell

What should we all eat more of?

спрашиваетMartin Aston  · 1 ответ
Britain has the National Diet And Nutrition Survey, a cohort of people that’s very carefully chosen to give a representative example of here we are in terms of what we eat, which happens... Читать далее