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Co-author with Tony Wolf of Get Out of My Life (Profile Books), the bestselling parent’s guide to teenagers @suzannehfranks @cityjournalism

What's the best advice a parent can give a child?

спрашиваетSteve Turnbull  · 2 ответа
Encourage them to find their passion. It’s what makes life meaningful and purposeful, and having the wherewithal to follow that passion is what brings children to realise who they are... Читать далее
I am a father of three girls, they ask lots of questions. So I've had a lot of practice answering them and made lots of mistakes to learn from.

How do you explain terrorism to kids?

Tell them the truth, but don't tell them anything that will frighten them. You could start by saying that there are lots of people in the world and so there are lots of different ideas... Читать далее
Professor in Health Psychology, University of Surrey, researcher on eating behaviour, and author of six books and 170 research papers. @Jane1Ogden

How can I get my kids to enjoy vegetables?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Children often announce random likes and dislikes which often don’t mean anything –  but there are some tips you can use to get them to eat their vegetables. 1. Be a good role model for... Читать далее
Parenting and Relationship Coach and a serial entrepreneur with an MBA from INSEAD. He is the founder of Best of Parenting and the author of 'The Working Parents’ Guide’ @bestofparent

What is the best course of action when my child gets angry?

спрашиваетRonita Dutta  · 1 ответ
With the exception of teenagers, the ages of six and seven is when rudeness and habits like answering back peaks in children. Shouting back at them or punishing them is not the answer.... Читать далее
Psychologist and research scientist in psychodermatology, body image, counselling and medical psychology. Chartered Counselling and Health Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the BPS. @DrLinda_P

Which aspect of parenting do new mums and dads fail to prepare for?

спрашиваетRonita Dutta  · 1 ответ
In modern society during this era of airbrushed life on Instagram, we tend to fetishize parenthood. Timelines are full of photos of cute babies in idyllic settings posted by proud... Читать далее
Parenting and Relationship Coach and a serial entrepreneur with an MBA from INSEAD. He is the founder of Best of Parenting and the author of 'The Working Parents’ Guide’ @bestofparent

What is the most dangerous pitfall of parenting?

спрашиваетRonita Dutta  · 1 ответ
No single pitfall outweighs all others, but the question of whether it’s possible to over-praise a child has been much debated in parenting circles over recent years in response to what... Читать далее
Parenting and Relationship Coach and a serial entrepreneur with an MBA from INSEAD. He is the founder of Best of Parenting and the author of 'The Working Parents’ Guide’ @bestofparent

How can I get my child to school on time without arguments or bribes?

спрашиваетRonita Dutta  · 1 ответ
Planning ahead is a big part of parenting. In the workplace you constantly plan for meetings, yet we don’t plan enough in our home environment. Even something as seemingly simple as... Читать далее
Parenting and Relationship Coach and a serial entrepreneur with an MBA from INSEAD. He is the founder of Best of Parenting and the author of 'The Working Parents’ Guide’ @bestofparent

What strategies can be used to calm over-excited children in the run-up to Christmas?

спрашиваетRonita Dutta  · 1 ответ
Children are very energy-efficient. If they feel that they’re getting lots of attention for something –  be it a negative or a positive behaviour – they’re hardwired to keep doing it... Читать далее
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach

Which country has the best system for working mums – and why can’t Britain emulate it?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
Taking into account criteria such as childcare, flexible working and gender equality, Sweden is the hands down winner.A recent survey of expats living abroad by HSBC (the annual HSBC... Читать далее
Psychologist and research scientist in psychodermatology, body image, counselling and medical psychology. Chartered Counselling and Health Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the BPS. @DrLinda_P

What steps can parents take to prevent cyber-bullying?

спрашиваетRonita Dutta  · 1 ответ
One of the things I hear all the time from parents is “Oh I don’t understand Facebook or Twitter or the latest social media trend.” The world is changing at a fast pace but not... Читать далее