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Director of the Centre for Middle East Studies, Professor at the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma and author of Syria Comment @joshua_landis

How has the population of Syria changed over the last few years?

спрашиваетMaria Kornienko  · 1 ответ
In order to make sense of the terrible destruction that has overtaken Syria and Iraq, one must understand the fighting in the context of nation building - a process that has swept the... Читать далее
Director of the Centre for Middle East Studies, Professor at the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma and author of Syria Comment @joshua_landis

How might the population of Syria and the region change over the coming years?

спрашиваетAlice Beardmore-Gray  · 1 ответ
To understand the future of this region you need to grasp that a new security architecture is being established, in which Iran, Syria and Lebanon are the major powers. They’re known as... Читать далее

Why haven't UN Peacekeeping forces intervened in Aleppo?

спрашиваетThomas Newton  · 2 ответа

What is UN? What is UN peacekeeping forces? There is no such thing, unless the Seucrity Council agrees to create such forces and to send them to Aleppo.

Former BBC Russian Affairs Analyst, former Executive Director of Russo-British Chamber of Commerce. @DLCtraining

What is Russia trying to achieve in Syria?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Its first and foremost aim is to establish Russia's place on the world stage once again. I’m afraid we have to keep going back to Soviet times because there are so many parallels between... Читать далее
Head of Programme of International Relations and Human Rights at Regents University, London. Associate Fellow at Middle East Programme, Chatham House. @YMekelberg

What does everyone get wrong about Syria?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
That it still exists. Syria epitomises all that the Sykes-Picot agreement, and imperialism and colonialism, did in the Middle East. It tried to create nation states in a European style... Читать далее
Director of the Centre for Middle East Studies, Professor at the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma and author of Syria Comment @joshua_landis

Are safe zones in Syria a good idea?

спрашиваетFadi Zumot  · 1 ответ
The idea of safe zones is viable, in the sense that America could create them. America has plenty of money and a big army.  But the military will not like the idea of safe zones, neither... Читать далее
Head of Programme of International Relations and Human Rights at Regents University, London. Associate Fellow at Middle East Programme, Chatham House. @YMekelberg

What does everyone get wrong about Syria?

Анонимный вопрос  · 1 ответ
That it still exists. Syria epitomises all that the Sykes-Picot agreement and imperialism and colonialism did in the Middle East. It tried to create nation states in a European style when... Читать далее
Distinguished research fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), National Defense University, where she specializes on regional energy politics, Middle East politics and the Kurdish issue. @dNataliDC

What is Kurdistan and why does it matter?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
Literally, Kurdistan means “land of the Kurds”. It’s a territory that crosses four states – Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria – plus parts of the former Soviet Union, with as many as 30... Читать далее
Correspondent for Al Jazeera, based in Beirut, Lebanon. He has previously lived in Pakistan and Israel. @ImtiazTyab

Why do Syrian refugees not try to enter Europe via Cyprus?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
The long and short of it is distance. Although Cyprus doesn't look very far from Turkey – which is where most Syrian refugees travel to the Greek islands from – there is a very narrow... Читать далее
Director of International Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute. Author of ‘We Love Death As You Love Life: Britain’s Suburban Terrorists‘. @raffpantucci

How can we fight Islamic State when our allies Saudi Arabia are also extreme Islamic fundamentalists?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
There was a moment, which was very embarrassing, when people noticed that some Islamic State schools in Syria were using official Saudi school textbooks – which certainly suggests some... Читать далее