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Rhona Clews

Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews
Активность на Кью
Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews

Would I be happier if I gave up reading and watching the news?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
Yes, you probably would. Exposing yourself consistently to a barrage of negativity and pain is likely to drain even the most positive of people! Research has found that continual exposure... Читать далее
Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews

What can I do on a daily basis to keep misery at bay?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 2 ответа
When you first wake up, take a moment to connect with yourself before you connect with the world. Instead of reaching for your phone and checking your emails and social media updates... Читать далее
Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews

How can I make myself stick to good habits?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
It can be challenging to stick to New Year’s Resolutions so distilling them down into goals is a more achievable approach – especially if you write them down. Research has found you’re... Читать далее
Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews

Is there any point to Dry January?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
Yes! If you feel you need to give yourself a break from alcohol, then having a focused, structured time period in which to do this will make it easier.  Our self-esteem gets a boost... Читать далее
Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews

How can I really improve my life beyond diet fads?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
Before beginning another diet, take a moment to consider your mindset in approaching change. If your driver is a 'need' to change in order to accept yourself, this is a fear-based conditio... Читать далее