Recommendation widget


By using the recommendation widget, you accept the risks outlined in p. 3.20 of the Offer.

About the recommendation widget

The recommendation widget is a content page unit that can display ads or host links to your content across multiple websites. The recommendation widget is available for the desktop and mobile versions of the website.

The widget may have the appearance of a grid made out of publication cards or as a slider (a horizontal scrollable feed). Slider cards can be scrolled using gestures or customizable scrolling buttons.


The widget only parses content from websites that are displayed in Yandex search and connected to Yandex Advertising Network as a site or its mirror. For example, content taken from a website blocked by Yandex search cannot be displayed in the widget.

The widget is updated with new content within two hours after it's been created. However, this might take longer if you register a brand new Yandex Advertising Network domain before creating your widget.


User-tailored content

The widget picks content to display based on the user's interests, their actions on the website, and the actual content. The more statistics you gather, the more accurate the recommendations will be. You can mark up site pages with special tags, which only lead you load recommendations on a certain topic to your widget, such as sports or articles for car enthusiasts.

Promoting content

You can recommend content hosted across all your sites in the widget. This will help you boost traffic as well as increase recirculation and your website's page depth. Showing the user more ad units on your pages will increase your average revenue per session.

Flexible design customization

On a website, the widget may be displayed as follows:

  • A grid with cells that display recommendations and ads with text and images.
  • A slider that can scroll through recommendations and ads.

Direct access to its HTML code and CSS styles lets you customize the widget's appearance any way you like. You can fit the widget organically into your website's design or go the opposite way and make it stand out, catching the user's eye.

Manage your placement

Ads are placed among recommendations and naturally blend in (don't stand out visually). You can customize the number of available ad spaces and the widget will choose the best layout after each page refresh. You can also assign fixed positions manually.

Monitoring statistics on recommendations

The Yandex Advertising Network interface lets you view statistics for ads as well as statistics for recommendations (impressions, clicks, and CTR). You can also use Yandex Metrica to create reports on sessions and popular pages based on clicks on recommendations. Enable the tracking tag, collect statistics, and monitor how recommendations affect your traffic.


No display ads

Recommendation widgets only display Text & Image ads from Yandex Direct. They shouldn't generally be a replacement for ad units.

Liability for compliance with legislation

By customizing a recommendation widget's appearance, you accept full responsibility for compliance with advertising legislation, including following the requirements for advertisement elements and their size.

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