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Как купить рипл / ripple за рубли быстро и дёшево?

спрашиваетАнтон  · 2 ответа
Два наиболее удобных варианта: - P2P-биржи. Например, рипл поддерживается на Huobi P2P, MEXC P2P. Такие платформы позволяют обменивать криптовалюту на рубли или наоборот, взаимодействуя... Читать далее

18+ контент

Мы посчитали, что не все хотят видеть подобный контент в ленте, но вам виднее.
University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer Science and Technology Department

What is Blockchain and why should we care?

спрашиваетChrystel Cherik  · 3 ответа
Since this is a very general question, I will answer it to a very general audience. Blockchain is just a way of storing data. And it’s stored in such a way that basically when something... Читать далее

How can blockchain technology be applied to simple projects, like a store or supermarket?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 4 ответа
https://www.roofos.ru https: // qwrryuuooplkhgfdsassxcvhjjkiiuyfdtuzrggrzsgrssrghtdyfjfykfykfukfyjdyjdtudtusthhdtfjyfukufkfukfukfkukffukufkyfkdyjdyjfyjkyfkyfkyfffyjyfifyitdutsydtyetur6it7i... Читать далее
DeCenter expert

Which wallet should I use for my bitcoins so that I can get coins after a hard fork occurs?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
You should use hardware wallets like Trezor or Ledger. Alternatively, you could use those wallets where you own the private keys to them yourself. All in all, you can use the same methods... Читать далее
University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer Science and Technology Department

Is blockchain really more secure than other systems?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
A blockchain is just a blob of data. What matters is how you maintain that blob of data, and how you are using it. So if you are going to compare bitcoin to a centralised server, like... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

How can you trust a system where about half of early-mined bitcoins have never been used, and therefore maintain a risk of hyperinflation?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
The answer is you cannot. As a legendary investor and Vanguard Group Inc. founder Jack Bogle said, "There is nothing to support bitcoin except the hope that you will sell it to someone... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

There are too many cryptocoins at the moment. Which ones are destined to go extinct in your opinion? How do you reckon the coin market's future?

спрашиваетBerker Pandır  · 1 ответ
The cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy, and the price of a specific coin is usually driven by emotions. Unfortunately, it appears to be impossible to make a forecast that would... Читать далее
DeCenter expert

How do people earn profits from cryptocurrency?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
Today there are many ways to earn a profit from cryptocurrency, but not all of these are safe. You should weigh all the risks, and carefully plan your own limits. Most importantly, only... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

Could gold reward coins on an app game (e.g. FarmVille) be considered a form of cryptocurrency?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
No, gold reward coins on an app game could not be considered a form of cryptocurrency. From my point of view, there are two major differences. The first is the very technologies... Читать далее
University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer Science and Technology Department

How can blockchain be applied in railroad transportation?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
I’m not sure. There are proposals for application of blockchain in tenders; I am not sure what kind of tender system is used for railroad transportation, but I have seen proposals where... Читать далее