Клуб API Карт

Problem with key

Пост в архиве.

Hallo Russia. I have been using Yandex Maps through the Mapstraction API. It was tricky to join since the captcha required a cyrillic keyboard, but i made it ok.


I got an API key and my Yandex map application worked at first, but when i uploaded a new version to the same URL it stopped, I am guessing this is a 'http referer not valid' message...



You can look at my app... 

and do 'view source' (anywhere outside the flash application div) to see the api key i am using

please help



2 комментария

Hello ANgus, nice to see you in our club.

Unfortunately, Mapstraction API uses the old version of our API (1.x)

The new version (2.0) that was released almost a year ago doesn't need any secret key.

I checked your application code and the problem seems to be in extra gap in the value of the key param of api url. 

http://api-maps.yandex.ru/1.1/index.xml?key=ALbqQVEBAAAADyOqTgQCNn6BaDB4xKQQr-i6Bjx83sfbBpQAAAAAAAAAAACpdrhs7rLppe4ih0eZpCIBrrUXGg ==

I mean the space between "g" and "==".

If it doesn't help you, just let me know.

Hello!!! We also have docs in English http://api.yandex.com/maps/