Сайт в двух языках, поэтому решил сделать две карты, вот только когда делаю изменения в скрипте с lang=ru-RU на lang=en-US обьекты не отображаються, не пойму в чем проблема.
страница c картой на русском
страница c картой на английском
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.add(new ymaps.Placemark([37.525348015868865, 55.673551589614995], {
balloonContentHeader: "1.Sanam Leninskiy",
balloonContentBody: "Moscow, Leninsky PR., 95",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (495) 225-45-35</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 21:00</em>",
hintContent: '<img src="/images/leninskiy02.jpg" width="100">',
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balloonContentHeader: "2.Sanam Crocus",
balloonContentBody: "Moscow, 66 km. Moscow ring road, Trade and exhibition complex Crocus city Mall, the second floor, section 166",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (495) 225-45-35</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 22:00</em>",
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balloonContentHeader: "3.Sanam Pavlovo",
balloonContentBody: "Moscow region, Pavlovo-Slobodskoe rural settlement, village Novelties 115, building 1. Trade-entertainment complex Pavlovo Podvorie",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (495) 225-45-35</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 20:30</em>",
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balloonContentHeader: "4.Sanam Maliy",
balloonContentBody: "Saint-Petersburg, Maly Avenue of Petrogradskaya side, etc. 73/17",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (812) 233-30-54</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 20:00</em>",
hintContent: '<img src="/images/fasad_maliy.jpg" width="100">',
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balloonContentBody: "Saint-Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky prospect, bld. 65",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (812) 233-30-54</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 20:00</em>",
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balloonContentHeader: "6.Sanam Discount",
balloonContentBody: "Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, bld. 102",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (812) 233-25-82</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 20:00</em>",
hintContent: '<img src="/images/piter_moscow_10202.jpg" width="100">',
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balloonContentHeader: "7.Sanam Astana",
balloonContentBody: "Kazakhstan, Astana, Kunaev street, 12/1",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +7 (7172) 475-615</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 21:00</em>",
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.add(new ymaps.Placemark([51.38481354361535, 35.694162707552564], {
balloonContentHeader: "8.Sanam Show-Room",
balloonContentBody: "Iran, Tehran, Av.Кhayyam, Av.sattari 26",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +98 (411) 523-41-74</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 09:30 to 17:00</em>",
hintContent: '<img src="/images/sattary.jpg" width="100">',
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.add(new ymaps.Placemark([51.42875885611676, 35.64933935041713], {
balloonContentHeader: "9.Sanam Bazare-Tehran",
balloonContentBody: "Iran, Tehran, AV.15 khordad,bazare bozorg,sarae Boo ali sekchie 88",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +98 (411) 523-41-74</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 09:30 to 17:00</em>",
hintContent: '<img src="/images/Bu_ali.jpg" width="100">',
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balloonContentHeader: "10.Sanam Bazare-Tabriz",
balloonContentBody: "Iran, Tabriz, av. Daraii, carpet center sina, saloon 9",
balloonContentFooter: "<b>Phone: +98 (411) 523-41-74</b><br/><em>The salon works daily from 10:00 to 14:00</em>",
hintContent: '<img src="/images/sina2.jpg" width="100">',
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