Terms of Use for Yandex.Maps Service

1. General Provisions

1.1. YANDEX LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Yandex") invites an Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the "User") to use Yandex.Maps available at: http://maps.yandex.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").

1.2. These Terms form an annex to the User Agreement for Yandex Services and define how to use the Service. In all matters not covered herein, relations between Yandex and the User with regard to the Service shall be governed by the User Agreement for Yandex Services (https://yandex.ru/legal/rules), License to Use Yandex Search Engine (https://yandex.ru/legal/termsofuse) and Privacy Policy (https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential).

1.3. By starting to use the Service/its certain functions, the User is deemed to have accepted these Terms and terms of all of the above documents, in full, without any reservations and exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the said documents, the User may not use the Service.

1.4. The current version of the Terms is always available at: at: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse. Yandex may amend these Terms providing a notice on relevant amendments at the URL specified in this paragraph. Revised Terms shall come into effect once posted online at the specified URL, unless otherwise stipulated in revised Terms.

1.5. If Yandex has made any amendments to these Terms according to the procedure specified in Clause 1.4 hereof, and the User disagrees with these amendments, the User shall stop using the Service.

1.6. The Service enables the User to gain free access to updated mapping and other reference information. All currently available functions of the Service along with any developments and/or newly added options are subject to these Terms.

1.7. By using the Service, the User consents to receiving informational notices necessary for service provision and essential updates. The User may unsubscribe from the notices, including but not limited to advertising messages, by using relevant functions of the Service or following instructions specified in a message received.

2. Use of the Service. Certain Functions of the Service

2.1. The Service functionally enables the User to add, at his or her choice and discretion, user information, including signs, marks, inscriptions, messages, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "User Objects") on the maps. Insertion of the User Objects does not modify source data and is only acceptable to ensure service usability. The User may create, store and make freely available online links to the User Objects. Other users of the Service may also distribute links to the User Objects.

2.2. The User shall fully and solely bear all risks and responsibility for choosing the location of the User Objects, compliance with the laws, the contents, integrity, accuracy and reliability of descriptions of added User Objects. Yandex shall bear no responsibility for the designation and description of any User Object, shall not confirm or disprove the legislative compliance, accuracy and reliability of the description of any User Object. Yandex reserves the right, without notice and at its discretion, to delete any User Object or a set of User Objects, if the information in its description conflicts with the laws of the Russian Federation, contains abusive language, and in other cases when the designation and/or the description of the User Objects and/or the distribution of a link to the User Objects violates these Terms, the terms of use of other Yandex services or provisions of the documents specified in cl. 1.2 hereof, and to protect interests of Yandex, service users, and other third parties.

2.3. The Service functionally enables the User to receive the code of a map as it stands for the time the code is received to insert it in his or her website, blog, and mobile application. This function is available to the User only within websites or mobile applications freely and readily available to the general public. The function cannot be used for projects requiring payment or otherwise limiting access for third parties. The sign-up requirement shall not be deemed limiting access under this clause.

2.4. The Service functionally enables the User to automatically plot routes on the maps showing an optional route from the point of departure to the destination indicated by the User (hereinafter referred to as the "Route"). The routing does not modify source data and is only acceptable to make the Service convenient for the User.

The user shall independently and entirely bear all risks and responsibility for choosing the Route and following the chosen Route. Yandex does not guarantee the correctness, optimality, relevance and/or compliance of the Routes with traffic rules and shall not be responsible for the User's choice of the Route and the consequences of following it. The User shall take all measures of care and caution before choosing any Route and during its use.

2.5. The service may contain information about the current level of traffic congestion, a short-term forecast of congestion, as well as information about the average traffic congestion during the day (hereinafter referred to as “Yandex.Traffic Service”).

The information available in Yandex.Traffic Service is obtained based on an analysis of anonymized data and shall be for reference only.

The color display of the road congestion level used in the Service shall not be an indication of the status of the road, the possibility of its free use, actual functioning and passability, and shall be only an indicator of an approximate degree of its congestion in the current period of time (green stands for “open”, yellow for “medium congestion”, and red for “high congestion”).

2.6. The Service may provide the User with the functionality for search and browsing of information on circulation of the public transport (hereinafter referred to as “the “Transport” mode”) on the map of a specific location. The information displayed when using the “Transport” mode is provided by the partners of the Service and/or received from open public sources and is for reference only, Yandex bears no responsibility for accuracy, relevance and reliability of the information provided, including routes and directions of the public transport, transport timetable as well as location of the public transport at a certain point on a map.

2.7. The Service uses items of intellectual property copyrighted to relevant right holders and information provided by its holders. All the right holders and holders of information are listed in cl. 5 hereof.

3. Use of Yandex.Business

3.1. The Service provides the User with the functionality of posting, viewing and searching information about businesses located at the addresses displayed in the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Yandex.Business”), including information about the address, name, contact details, operating hours, information about the services provided/goods sold, and User reviews. The use of Yandex.Business and its sections shall be carried out on the Terms of Use of Yandex.Business Service published at: https://yandex.ru/legal/clients_termsofuse.

The functionality of Yandex.Business may differ depending on the region/country where the User is located.

Clauses 3.2. to 3.7. have ceased to be in force (the updated clauses are published at the address specified in clause 3.1 of the Terms).

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. Yandex does not guarantee the safety of information presented in the Service (including User objects and information of Yandex.Business service, Yandex.Traffic, etc.) in any volume and/or for any period of time, including in the event of a change of data in connection with the development or change of the Service.

4.2. The Service information may be used by Yandex in other Yandex services and applications, as well as in advertising or marketing materials posted on Yandex resources on the Internet to attract the attention of other users to the content of the Service, to the Service in general, or to other Yandex applications and services, goods, works and services of third parties, both with the indication of the author of the information (as the name of the author, the name (pseudonym) of the User which he/she indicated when logged in or in the settings of his/her data in the corresponding section of the Service will be indicated), and without it, without the need for a special permission from the User and without payment of royalties, with the right of Yandex to grant the rights to use information to third parties for use in the specified advertising or marketing materials. In this case, the User acknowledges and agrees that Yandex is not obliged to review the information posted by the Users in the Service. If the User is not entitled to grant Yandex the right to use any information in this way, he/she shall refrain from posting such information.

4.3. Yandex reserves the right, at its own discretion, to restrict the User’s access to the Service (or to certain functions of the Service, if technologically possible) using his or her account, or to fully block the User’s account in case of repeated violations of these Terms, or to take other measures against the User to ensure that legislative requirements are met or third-party rights and legitimate interests are respected.

4.4. When using the Service, the User can report of inaccurate Data placed in the Service (incorrect name, map positioning, irrelevant data, objects that need to be removed) giving relevant details in a special contact form of the Service. The content of a message sent by the User through this function is publicly available and posted in Yandex.Map Editor (https://n.maps.yandex.ru) for registered users of such Service to assess whether the reported information is reliable and relevant. When sending a message, the User consents to publish the message form he or she completed. The User undertakes not to specify any information qualified by laws of the Russian Federation as sensitive information, including own personal details, personal details of third parties and information prohibited for distribution.

4.5. Any information used in the Service is intended for personal non-commercial use only. In this respect, it is prohibited to copy, reproduce, process, distribute, make available to the public (publish) in the Internet, use the Data in any way in the media and/or for commercial purposes without the right holder’s prior written permission, except as expressly stipulated by the functionality of the Service, these Terms, terms of use of other Yandex services or documents specified in cl. 1.2 hereof.

4.6. The information provided in the Service shall be for reference only. Yandex does not guarantee that the Service, the quality of any product, service, information obtained using the Service, meets/will meet the User's requirements, and that the functions of the Service will be provided on a continuous basis, in a prompt manner, reliably and without errors.

Yandex does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, completeness, or reliability of information that can be obtained via the Service. The information of the Service shall not be intended to be used for any purpose or in any capacity (for example, to establish and/or confirm any facts, as evidence in making legally significant decisions, to provide information and make accurate calculations, research, obtaining exact coordinates and information about official names, determining a position regarding the status of objects or territories, etc.).

5. Information on Right Owners and Data Owners:

The list of the right holders and the owners of the information being used can be found at: https://yandex.ru/legal/right_holders.


Date of publication: 23.06.2021

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/26082020

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/28052020

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/17042020

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/12032020

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/29022020

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/31072019

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/14032018

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/19022018

Previous version of the document:https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/25122017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/13112017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/25092017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/15092017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/14082017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/19072017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/03052017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/20012017

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/16112016

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/13092016

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/07072016

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/maps_termsofuse/22012014