Yandex Plus Cashback Loyalty Program Rules

This is an old version of the document, which expired on October 14, 2021. The current version is available at:

1. Terms and Definitions

The following terms have the following meanings in the Rules:

1.1. Authorization means confirmation of the User's right to access the Account by entering login and password.

1.2. Points are technical conventional units accrued to the User on the grounds established in the Rules, depending on the Territory for crediting Points, and aimed at increasing the activity of Users in the purchase of goods and services recorded on the Card. For each Territory where the Program operates, its own technical conventional units are used, which can be used to receive Discounts only in the Territory of the Program where they were accrued in accordance with the Rules.

1.3. Card means a virtual accumulative card of the User without physical data carrier, tied to the Account and containing information about the balance of the Points accrued to the User on the relevant Territory.

1.4. Partner means a legal entity or individual entrepreneur implementing the Program together with Yandex (including with the involvement of third parties).

1.5. Yandex Plus Subscription means a Yandex Plus Subscription (including a Plus Multi subscription) in the meaning stipulated by the Yandex Plus Subscription Terms and Conditions, posted on the Internet at:

1.6. Purchase means purchase (ordering and payment) of the Goods for personal consumption by the User through Yandex Services and/or Partners, as well as other actions of the User aimed at increasing the User's activity in purchasing Goods through Yandex Services and/or Partners, which, in accordance with the Rules, is the basis to accrue Points.

1.7. User is a capable individual over the age of sixteen who has reached the age required to participate in the Program, as well as to make Purchases or receive Discounts on Services, who has accepted the terms of the Rules by full and unconditional acceptance to participate in the Program.

1.8. Rules means this document, which is a public offer, posted at:

1.9. Program is a consumer loyalty program Yandex Plus Cashback, jointly implemented by Yandex and Partners in the Program Area, aimed at increasing the activity of Users in purchasing goods and services from Yandex and Partners, in particular, in using Yandex's and Partners' Services, which provides for the accrual of Points to the Users using the Card on the grounds established in the Rules.

1.10. Yandex Plus Advanced Subscription Level means Yandex Plus Advanced Subscription Level in the meaning stipulated in the Yandex Plus Subscription Terms and Conditions posted at:

1.11. Service means a website on the Internet and/or an application for mobile devices of Yandex or Partner, using which it is possible to make a Purchase and/or use Points in accordance with the Rules.

1.12. Discount means a discount provided to the User on the cost of the Goods when using Points in accordance with the Rules. The provision of Discounts when using Points is provided by Yandex and/or Partners (and/or third parties involved by the Partners).

1.13. Program Term means the term of the Program during which there is possible participation in the Program, accrual and use of Points, as well as during which the Rules are valid.

1.14. Goods means a product, service, the Purchase of which is the basis for the accrual of Points in accordance with the Rules, or for the cost of which a Discount is provided when using Points in accordance with the Rules.

1.15. Terms of accrual, use and write-off of points - “Yandex Plus Cashback document. Terms of accrual, using and debiting points”posted at:

1.16. Device means an electronic device, including a personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, which the User uses for Authorization, making Purchases and using Points to receive a Discount.

1.17. Account means the User's account in Yandex ID (, used to identify the User as a participant in the Program and the owner of the Card.

1.18. Yandex means YANDEX LLC, OGRN: 1027700229193, registered address: 119021, Russia, Moscow, Leo Tolstoy str., 16.

1.19. Program Area / Area means Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.19. The Rules may contain other terms that are not defined in section 1 of the Rules. In this case, such a term shall be interpreted in accordance with the text of the Rules, as well as in accordance with the documents provided for in clause 3.2 of the Rules. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of these documents, one should be guided by the interpretation of the term, defined: first of all - by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and secondly - the prevailing (generally used) on the Internet.

2. General Provisions

2.1. The Rules determine the procedure and conditions for the participation of Users in the Program.

2.2. Program Partners:

  • Yandex.Taxi LLC, OGRN: 5157746192731, registered address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 82, bldg. 2, prem. 916;
  • Yandex.Drive LLC, OGRN: 5177746277385, registered address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya emb., building 75, room 5F17;
  • Yandex.Mediaservices LLC, OGRN: 1187746644920, registered address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 82, bldg. 2, prem. 10А05;
  • Yandex.Kinopoisk LLC, OGRN: 1077759854919, registered address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 82, bldg. 2, prem. 9А01;
  • Yandex.Food LLC (OGRN: 1187746035730; registered address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya str., 82, bldg. 2, prem. 3B14);
  • Yandex.Fuel LLC, OGRN: 1187746812725, registered address: 119021, Moscow, Timur Frunze str., 11, building 2, prem. 8567;
  • Yandex.Lavka LLC, OGRN: 1187746479250, registered address: 123112, Russia, Moscow, 1st Krasnogvardeisky drive, 19, floor 11;
  • Yandex.Food Kazakhstan LLP, BIN: 161240022428, registered address: 050000, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue, 43;
  • Yandex.Taxi Corp. LLP, BIN: 160540014930, registered address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 50040, Almaty, Bostandyksky district, Timiryazeva street, 28v, floor 6.

2.3. At the same time, other persons not listed above may also be Program Partners.

2.4. Program Term: from 12.08.2020 (for the Republic of Kazakhstan from 29.09.2021) to 31.12.2021.

2.5. The Rules are a public offer addressed to capable individuals who have reached the age required to participate in the Program, which determines the conditions for joining these individuals to the Program, without limiting the period for acceptance, but always at least 30 working days from the date of publication of the Rules and/or their new edition, without the possibility of early withdrawal of the offer.

2.6. Offer acceptance is carried out by the Users by any of the following implicative actions: the User acquiring a Yandex Plus Subscription, the User making a Purchase, and other implicative actions that allow to unambiguously establish consent to participate in the Program.

2.7. The version of the Rules may be changed by Yandex unilaterally in accordance with Section 10 of the Rules.

3. General conditions for participation in the Program

3.1. Participation in the Program is voluntary and free.

3.2. A prerequisite for participation in the Program is the complete and unconditional consent of the User with the conditions of these Rules, as well as with the conditions of the following documents:

3.2.1. "Yandex Services User Agreement" posted at:;

3.2.2. "Privacy Policy" posted at:;

3.2.3. Yandex Plus Subscription Terms posted at:;

3.2.4. Documents regulating the use of the relevant Service by the User, with the help of which the User made the Purchase, which is the basis for the accrual of Points, as well as with the help of which the Goods were purchased, for the cost of which the Discount is provided when using the Points.

3.3. By performing implicative actions provided for in clause 2.6 of the Rules, the User thereby confirms that he has read the Rules and documents specified in clause 3.2 of the Rules, accepts the terms of the Rules and these documents, agrees with them and undertakes to comply with them.

3.4. As part of the Program, Yandex accrues Points to Users in connection with a Purchase on the Services, as well as for other reasons related to an increase in Users' activity in purchasing goods and services from Yandex and Partners, in accordance with the Rules.

3.5. Yandex unilaterally determines the specific conditions for the accrual, use and write-off of Points (including the number of accrued, used and/or written off Points, the procedure for their accrual, use and/or write-off, etc.). The current conditions for the accrual, use and write-off of Points are provided for review in the Conditions for the accrual, use and write-off of points (

3.6. Accrual and write-off of Points, familiarization with the balance of accrued Points in the respective Program Area, performing other actions within the framework of participation in the Program are possible only when the User is authorized using the Account.

3.7. Information on the balance of Points accrued to the User in the respective Program Area is available on Also, the specified information may be available in individual Services.

3.8. The Card is linked to the User's Account and is created simultaneously with the User's acceptance of the Rules. The Card is not a credit, payment or bank card. The Card is valid for the duration of the Program or until the termination of the User's participation in the Program or until any other date of termination of its validity in accordance with the Rules.

3.9. Points are not cash, cannot be cashed or exchanged for cash and can be used by the User only to receive a Discount under the terms of these Rules.

3.10. Participation in the Program, including the accrual and use of Points, is possible only within the Program Term and only within the Program Area. Points accrued within one Program Area cannot be used to receive a Discount within another Program Area.

3.11. Points can be accrued and used to obtain a Discount only when the User makes a non-cash payment for a Purchase on the Service, unless otherwise expressly provided for by the Rules, the Conditions for the accrual, use and write-off of points or in the interface of the Services.

4. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1. The User shall independently (at his own expense) pay for Internet access, purchases and bear other costs required to participate in the Program, make purchases or receive Discounts when using Points, which does not affect the gratuitousness of the Program and participation in it.

4.2. In the event of any claims or problems regarding the accrual, use and write-off of Points, the User is obliged to contact Yandex in the following ways: through the feedback form at: for the Russian Federation -, for the Republic of Kazakhstan -

4.3. Claims and problems regarding the accrual, use and write-off of Points may be presented by the User to Yandex within 30 days from the moment when the Points were accrued, used, or written off, or should have been accrued, used, or written off, but no later than the Program Term. Upon the expiration of the specified periods, claims on the specified grounds are not considered, and the User is deemed to agree with the accrual, use or write-off of Points, or with non-accrual, the impossibility of using Points.

4.4. The User is responsible for maintaining control over the Account and ensures the impossibility of access to the Account by any third parties, as well as the impossibility for any third parties to perform actions in the User's Account. Any actions performed in the Account after Authorization are recognized as committed by the User personally.

4.5. When accepting the Rules, the User confirms that he is over sixteen years old, is capable in accordance with the legislation of the country where he accepts, and has reached the age necessary to participate in the Program, as well as to make Purchases or receive Discounts on Services.

4.6. The User shall:

4.6.1. within the framework of participation in the Program, not provide Yandex with information that is false, inaccurate, fabricated, untrue, forged or unreliable for any other reason;

4.6.2. within the framework of participation in the Program, not abuse the rights and opportunities provided to him by the Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to act in good faith (including, but not limited to the above, not take actions aimed at accruing Points without actually making a Purchase, not to make purchases to accrue Points not for personal consumption);

4.6.3. not make any attempts to copy, disassemble or otherwise try to obtain the source code of the software used by Yandex and/or Partners in the implementation of the Program in order to commit any illegal or fraudulent actions;

4.6.4. at Yandex's request, provide it with the requested information and documents no later than 1 business day from the date of sending the corresponding request;

4.6.5. daily check messages from Yandex in the Account, e-mail created during the registration of the Account or specified during registration by the User, changes in the Rules on the Internet at the address specified in clause 1.8 of the Rules, as well as in the Terms of Accrual, Use and Writing Off of Points at the address specified in clause 1.15 of the Rules;

4.6.6. fulfill other obligations stipulated by the Rules.

5. Rights and Obligations of Yandex

5.1. Yandex has the right to:

5.1.1. at its own discretion, request from the User any information and documents necessary in Yandex's opinion to verify the grounds for accruing, using, writing off Points, as well as for other purposes related to the User's participation in the Program;

5.1.2. until the User provides the information and documents requested in accordance with clause 5.1.1 of the Rules, suspend the accrual of Points and/or the possibility of using Points by the User;

5.1.3. refuse to accrue Points, the possibility of using Points by the User if the User does not provide the information and documents requested in accordance with clause 5.1.1 of the Rules within the time period provided for in clause 4.6.4 of the Rules;

5.1.4. refuse to accrue Points, the possibility of using Points in case the User violates these Rules;

5.1.5. terminate the User's participation in the Program on the grounds provided for by the Rules;

5.1.6. carry out preventive maintenance with a temporary suspension of the possibility of accruing, using Points on the Services without prior notice to the User;

5.1.7. involve third parties to fulfill its obligations without the need to obtain the consent of the User;

5.1.8. Yandex has other rights provided for in the Rules.

5.2. Inaction on the part of Yandex in the event of a violation of the Rules by the User shall not deprive Yandex of the right to take appropriate actions in defense of its interests later, and shall not mean that Yandex will refuse its rights in relation to such a violation, in the event of subsequent similar violations.

6. Termination of participation in the Program

6.1. The User has the right to unilaterally and extrajudicially terminate participation in the Program by sending Yandex an electronic notification of termination of participation through the feedback form for the Russian Federation-, for the Republic of Kazakhstan - The participation of the relevant User in the Program will be considered terminated from the moment Yandex receives a notification from the User. Yandex, within 14 working days after receiving the notification, blocks the User's Card and writes the remaining Points off the Card. Termination of the User's participation in the Program entails the impossibility of using Points to receive a Discount, as well as termination of other obligations of the User and Yandex under the Program, with the exception of the User's obligations related to violation of the Rules during the period of the User's participation in the Program.

6.2. Yandex has the right to unilaterally and extrajudicially block the Card and exclude the User from the Program participants (thus terminating such User's participation in the Program) without warning if the User:

6.2.1. violates/does not observe the terms of the Rules;

6.2.2. abuses the rights and opportunities provided to him by the Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as acts in bad faith;

6.2.3. uses the Program to carry out transactions aimed at carrying out entrepreneurial activities;

6.2.4. provides false and/or misleading information to Yandex.

6.3. Yandex has the right, at its discretion, depending on the severity of the violation, upon the initial detection of the violation, to apply a warning to the User.

6.4. Termination of the User's participation in the Program by Yandex in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 6.2 of the Rules shall result in the Card being blocked, the User's Points being written off, the inability to receive a Discount when using Points, and Yandex's obligation to the User under the Program ceases. Participation of the relevant User in the Program in accordance with clause 6.2. of the Rules will be considered terminated from the moment the User's Card is blocked. Yandex has the right to deny the User's repeated participation in the Program in the event of termination of his participation in the Program on the grounds provided for in clause 6.2. of the Rules.

6.5. Participation in the Program is also terminated if Yandex receives information about the death of the User, or information about recognizing him as missing or deceased. This entails blocking the Card, writing off the User's Points, inability to receive a Discount when using Points and terminating Yandex's obligation to the User under the Program.

7. Liability of the Parties

7.1. Yandex does not sell Products to Users using the Partner Services (unless otherwise expressly provided for by the Rules and/or documents specified in clause 3.2 of the Rules), the User must resolve any disagreements arising in connection with such implementation on his own directly with the person selling the Products, taking into account the requirements of the documents regulating the User's access to the relevant Service.

7.2. Yandex is not responsible for:

7.2.1. any material and moral damage caused to the User in connection with the use of the Services or in connection with participation in the Program;

7.2.2. technical failures in the operation of the Services, regardless of the reasons, and does not guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the Services, including the uninterrupted possibility of accruing, using Points when purchasing Products on the Services;

7.2.3. access of third parties to the User's Account, any actions performed in it by third parties;

7.2.4. any consequences of Yandex's refusal to accrue, use Points, write off Points, blocking the Card, terminate the User's participation in the Program;

7.2.5. discrepancy between the actual will of the User and the content of the User's order on the use of Points, termination of participation in the Program;

7.2.6. the consequences of the change by the User of the Device when participating in the Program, related to the features of the software of the Services;

7.3. Yandex's liability to the User for violation of the Rules in the event of any claim related to the accrual of Points is limited to the accrual of the appropriate amount of Points to the User's Card.

8. Changes to the Rules. Termination of the Program

8.1. Yandex reserves the right to amend the Rules unilaterally without prior notice to the User.

8.2. The new version of the Rules comes into force from the moment of its publication on the Internet at the address specified in clause 1.8 of the Rules. At the same time, the period for the acceptance of each new version of the Rules by persons who have not previously participated in the Program is always set at least 30 business days from the date of publication without the right of early withdrawal of the offer.

8.3. If, within a calendar day after the publication of the new version of the Rules, Yandex has not received a notification from the User of a unilateral refusal to participate in the Program, as well as if the User, after the publication of the new version of the Rules, used Points to receive a Discount, then the User is considered to have accepted the new version of the Rules.

8.4. The User is obliged to independently monitor the changes made to the Rules.

8.5. Yandex has the right to unilaterally terminate the Rules and the Program ahead of time without prior notice to the User by posting information about this on the Internet at the address specified in clause 1.8 of the Rules, at least 30 working days before the termination of the Rules and the Program.

8.6. The conditions for the accrual, use and write-off of points are determined and amended by Yandex unilaterally at its sole discretion. The current version of the Terms for the accrual, use and write-off of points is available at the address specified in clause 1.15 of the Rules.

9. Other conditions of the Rules

9.1. Due to the absence of payment for participation in the Program, the norms on consumer protection provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan cannot be applicable to the relationship between the User and Yandex related to participation in the Program.

9.2. If, for one reason or another, one or more provisions of the Rules are found invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Rules.

9.3. All disputes and disagreements within the framework of the Rules shall be resolved by a court of general jurisdiction (magistrate) at the location of Yandex.

9.4. These Rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Matters that are not regulated by the Rental Rules are subject to resolution in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by the Rules shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the norms of Russian Law.

9.5. Yandex and Program Partners have the right, from time to time, in order to increase the attractiveness of the Program for Users, as well as to develop new offers for Users, to conduct experiments, within which the conditions for the accrual, use and write-off of Points (including the number of accrued, used and/or written off Points, the procedure for their accrual, use and/or write-off, etc.)) may be changed. Information about the fact of such experiments is available to the User in the interface of the Services.

10. Information messages

10.1. By accepting the Rules, the User agrees to receive advertising and newsletters from Yandex with information about the Program, Services, Products and other information via push notifications and e-mail.

10.2. The User has the right to refuse push notifications by changing the settings of the browser and/or mobile phone used, and from emails by refusing to receive emails in the received letters. In this case, the User independently bears the risk of non-receipt or late receipt of information messages.

11. Personal data of Users

11.1. Yandex and Partners (hereinafter in this section, the term “Partners” also includes third parties engaged by Partners to implement the Program) process the personal data of Users, insofar as this is necessary for the execution of the Rules and for the exercise of the rights and legitimate interests of Yandex and Partners. In this case, Yandex and Partners use automation tools and transfer Users' personal data over the Internet.

11.2. To comply with the Rules, Yandex and Partners process the following personal data of Users: Account; Map; information on purchasing a Yandex Plus Subscription; Purchases; information on the accrual, use and write-off of Points; requests regarding the accrual, use and write-off of Points; information and documents provided in accordance with clauses 4.6.4 and 6.1 of the Rules; e-mail address, city, country, bank card details.

11.3. To exercise their rights and legitimate interests, Yandex and Partners process the following personal data of Users: information on the actions specified in clause 6.2 of the Rules; information specified in clause 6.5 of the Rules. The rights and legitimate interests of Yandex and its Partners relate to countering violation of the Rules, abuse of rights, unfair behavior, providing inaccurate information, as well as managing the participation of Users in the Program and resolving disputes with Users.

11.4. Yandex and Partners receive personal data of Users directly from Users, create them independently and transfer them to each other.

11.5. Yandex and Partners process personal data of Users, including their storage, for the time required to comply with the Rules and to exercise their rights and legitimate interests.

11.6. To exercise the rights provided for by legislation in the field of personal data, Users can use the feedback form posted at

11.7. Additional information on the processing of personal data of Users is provided in the Privacy Policy posted at


Publication date: October 06, 2021

Effective date: October 06, 2021

Previous version of the document:

Previous version of the document: