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How can I stop my teenage son from being aggressive with me?

TheQSTN.com Team
  · 181
GP with practice in Birmingham and private clinic in London. Anti-Ageing specialist  · 3 окт 2016

If a child begins to show increased or excessive aggression, it’s important to consider the possible causes. Have there been any dietary changes recently? Sweets, additives and intolerances can all affect the mental state of a child. Also, consider other lifestyle factors such as stress, changes in his environment, possible alcohol or drug use, bullying or peer group issues.

With problem aggression, the first port of call should probably be your GP. There, your son can discuss any issues – with or without your input – and any potential physical causes can be investigated.

Your GP may decide to have your teenager assessed by the local child and adolescent mental health team. They will be able to identify whether your son is depressed or anxious, or has any other emotional problem.

Counselling – either separately or together – may be recommended as one of your next steps.

In the short term, during an outburst, avoid confrontation and try to keep yourself calm. Remove yourself from the situation if possible until your son’s aggression has diffused. Talk to your son and, if necessary, ask a neutral third party to be present.