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Is the privatisation of certain NHS services really such a bad thing?

Jody Thompson
  · 669
Health Journalist.  · 21 нояб 2016

"If Virgin have taken over a GPs’ surgery, then they should say that these GPs’ surgeries are being provided by Virgin not by the NHS, but they still keep using the NHS logo.They don’t have to tell you if they have taken over your doctor’s surgery. It’s a big deception."

Bit of a straw man this. GPs are private contractors and not salaried by the NHS. If Virgin starts running your GP's surgery, it hasn't been privatised – it's gone from being run by one private company to another.

Former deputy chair of the British Medical Association council. Ex-chair of NHS trust and...  · 17 нояб 2016
The short answer is yes. Private companies have the stated intention to make at least 8-14% profit and the profit is footed by taxpayers – simple as that. Whatever we are paying in our taxes for the NHS, 8-14% is taken away by these companies. Profiteers are squeezing money out of the NHS. This is not a political statement in my view. There’s been an abject failure of... Читать далее