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Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12

Do Asian people really get drunk faster than Westerners?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
No. It’s a myth. Nobody gets drunk faster than anyone else. However, Japanese and Chinese people, rather than Asian people do possess a gene that means that they have more difficulty... Читать далее
Врач-офтальмолог высшей категории, офтальмохирург, к.м.н.

Почему иногда, когда глаз слезится, зрение становится лучше?

спрашиваетFreez Brotta  · 1 ответ

Пленка слезы на роговице несколько меняет оптические параметры преломления последней, вследствие чего может на короткое мгновение несколько изменяться острота зрения.

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Synthetic biologist//currently working with plants// at ETH Zurich//occassional biotechnology blogger//@_devangm

How can I win an argument for evolution against a stubborn creationist?

спрашиваетAndrew Mueller  · 2 ответа
Just to add to the point about the eye, Richard Dawkins gave an excellent demonstration about the evolution of the eye in his Christmas Lectures in 1991. https://www.youtube.com/embed/eA1r... Читать далее
Fashion writer at MOJEAS, Twitter & IG @sarakatala, www.mojeas.wordpress.com

I'm 22. What can I do now to prevent or delay wrinkles appearing in the future?

Анонимный вопрос  · 1 ответ
Wrinkles...every woman's (and some men's) nightmare. I want to embrace natural ageing, and even though I sometimes joke about getting botox in my forehead, I would never do it. However, I... Читать далее
Psychosexual Therapist and Relationship Counsellor at Woodbridge Therapy. woodbridgetherapy.co.uk @KrystalCoach

What actually happens during the male and female orgasms?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
The physiological response is similar for men and women. It’s mainly different sexual organs and different hormones. In terms of orgasm there are four main steps: arousal, plateau, climax... Читать далее

18+ контент

Мы посчитали, что не все хотят видеть подобный контент в ленте, но вам виднее.
Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12

What actually happens to your body when you get drunk?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
Actually, it’s not so much what it does to your body; it’s what it does to your brain. But let’s look at the body to begin with – and there’s two things that are happening here. Firstly... Читать далее
Geneticist, science writer, broadcaster, and author of the books Creation: The Origin Of Life/The Future Of Life and A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived. @adamrutherford

Where does the information in DNA come from?

спрашиваетSteve Turnbull  · 1 ответ
That’s a question at the root of the study of the origin of life. It’s a lot to do with information theory – which is a whole academic field that I don’t really understand – but we can... Читать далее
Plant biology research scientist John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK, co-creator of www.statslife.org.uk/resources/for-journalists, a science resources for journalism students with the Royal Statistical Society. @popupcamptrout

Which new genetic breakthroughs will change our lives?

спрашиваетJoe Mugford  · 1 ответ
The thing you're most likely to have heard of recently is gene editing, or genome editing, which has certainly entered popular consciousness in the last couple of years. There are indeed... Читать далее
Geneticist, science writer, broadcaster, and author of the books Creation: The Origin Of Life/The Future Of Life and A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived. @adamrutherford

In genetics, what are the most important things we still don’t know?

спрашиваетAndrew Mueller  · 1 ответ
Absolutely loads. Genetics is effectively a century old. When we got to the Human Genome Project in 2001, and had a much more molecular understanding of how DNA works, it turned out that... Читать далее
Geneticist, science writer, broadcaster, and author of the books Creation: The Origin Of Life/The Future Of Life and A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived. @adamrutherford

Why do we all look so different?

спрашиваетNeil Corry  · 1 ответ
It’s a fascinating question, and my initial challenge to it is: do we? The variations that we see in human populations are enough to warrant human behaviour reflecting them, and those... Читать далее