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PhD candidate, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge. Studying knowledge production and intellectual intervention, with a thesis entitled: Positioning the Intellectual: Zizek as a Sociological Phenomenon.

What are the top 10 modern sociologists to read and why?

спрашиваетAnastasia Krasnoperova  · 1 ответ
When addressing such a question, a few preliminaries are in order. First, How do we define Modern and Sociologists? Starting when, and by what criteria? Yet, skipping the problematics of... Читать далее
Lecturer in Cultural History at the University of Edinburgh. Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, an Officer for Widening Participation, and a director of education for street children at the Salaam Baalak Trust in New Delhi, India. @adambudd2015

Which books should I have read if I really want to be thought of as an intellectual?

спрашиваетAngell Madeleinne  · 1 ответ
This question reminds me of a slim but provocative book that was published ten years ago, called How to Talk about Books You Haven’t Read, by a French academic (are you surprised?) called... Читать далее
Специалист по гей-культуре

Вопрос к современному обществу: Книги какого жанра для вас являются ведущими ?

Нонфикшн - потому, что это концентрированное знание. Научно-популярные издания помогают понять, что такое человек, что такое мир и что вообще происходит.

Лучший ИТ-журналист РФ по версии Минцифры. Окончил физфак. Linux admin/coder. Китайский, англ. и франц. языки.

Почему на ридере (электронной книге) некорректно открывается самый распространенный формат книг epub?

Раньше читал книги на своей электронной в формате .txt или .fb2. Надоело. Форматы... Развернуть
Википедия пишет про баги epub, цитата: "Стандарт ePub ссылается на HTML 5, формат крайне сложный. Существуют как минимум две платформы, поддерживающие HTML 5 и не полностью совместимые... Читать далее
Author of 'Dickens and Popular Entertainment' and the recent ‘Simply Dickens’, General Editor of ‘The Oxford Companion to Dickens’ and editor of the forthcoming Clarendon Edition of ‘Sketches of Boz’. Past President of the Dickens Fellowship.

Where do Dickens' bizarre character names come from?

спрашиваетAndrew Emery  · 1 ответ
The first thing is that he had a fertile comic imagination and he's particularly alert to sounds and to sights – it's a very visual and aural imagination. He's able to find names that are... Читать далее
casual thinker

Where to Give Away English-Language Books?

спрашиваетThe Moscow Times  · 2 ответа

You could also try to leave them in the hall of the house you live in. I have lived in many places and have seen English books left not once - they all go in a few days.

How to read books quicker?

спрашиваетYan Sidyakin  · 2 ответа
How to read books more quickly? Read them constantly, every day. Make them part of your daily routine. Personally, I realized the speed of reading doesn’t really depend on how fast you... Читать далее

What should I read in order to learn about Nietzsche's and Ayn Rand's works?

Thus spoke Zarathustra - a great book that shows Nietzsche's inner radical nihilism. I haven't red many of his works but i think that's the profound one presenting his honest worldview.