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PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge

If a student runs into a conflict with a faculty member or is unhappy with the quality of teaching, how should this situation be managed?

спрашиваетАрсений  · 1 ответ
In such a situation, it is important to keep in mind that the relationship between the student and the faculty member is not akin to a “consumer-provider” relationship, even if the... Читать далее
Correspondent for Al Jazeera, based in Beirut, Lebanon. He has previously lived in Pakistan and Israel. @ImtiazTyab

Could the two state solution work for Israel-Palestine?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
The two state solution is basically a sovereign Palestinian state and a sovereign Israeli state. Two countries that live side by side. And that includes Gaza.  Gaza is in the far south of... Читать далее
Distinguished research fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), National Defense University, where she specializes on regional energy politics, Middle East politics and the Kurdish issue. @dNataliDC

Are the Peshmerga winning against ISIS?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
ISIL [as ISIS is widely known] is being pushed back from territories it once controlled, and the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Peshmerga have been important partners in this effort. My... Читать далее