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Musician and tiny house dweller, Virginia

What's so great about tiny houses, who lives in them and why?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
“Tiny house” is an actual term for a very small house that stands on a trailer base. There are more and more of them all the time, they are very trendy. The demographic of people who live... Читать далее

Should ecology and ecoliteracy be core to the school curriculum?

спрашиваетSteve Turnbull  · 2 ответа

Yes before planet earth disappears-perhaps the children/ the future should be shown all the mistakes "Man/Woman Kind" have done to One and Only Home

phd @ princeton astro | haykh.github.io

Will the sun's energy ever run out?

спрашиваетAzat Ulutas  · 1 ответ
Solar energy comes mostly from fusing 4 hydrogen nuclei (protons) into a single He-4 nucleus. About 90% of that energy is being generated in the deepermost 10% of the Solar core, since... Читать далее
Print designer specialising in hand marbling for couture and interiors. Sustainable fashion researcher. Co-founder of aotextiles.

What is the environmental impact of the fashion industry?

спрашиваетAlison Goff  · 1 ответ
The environmental impact of the fashion industry is a global concern in terms of the destruction it causes to the planet and the shocking impact on human life. It has reached immense... Читать далее
Director, PETA UK. @Elisa_Allen @PETAUK

What are animal rights?

спрашиваетMaria Kornienko  · 1 ответ
> Animal rights is a philosophy that recognises that animals deserve consideration of what's in their best interests, regardless of whether they're cute, big or small, useful to humans... Читать далее
Print designer specialising in hand marbling for couture and interiors. Sustainable fashion researcher. Co-founder of aotextiles.

What can consumers and fashion companies do to address environmental and ethical concerns within the fashion industry?

спрашиваетAlison Goff  · 1 ответ
The impact of the fashion industry on the environment and people is overwhelming. However so much can be done to confront the problem from both a consumer and business perspective. From... Читать далее
Chair in Health Effectiveness, University of Stirling. @aew1aew1

Is fracking damaging for the environment?

спрашиваетSteve Turnbull  · 1 ответ
The fracking industry admits that there have been problems in the past due to bad practice and poor technology, but the supporters of fracking claim that has all now been remedied... Читать далее
Meteorologist, founder of British Weather Services, former Fleet Air Arm meteorologist. @BritWeatherSvs

What exactly will climate change mean for Britain?

спрашиваетMartin Aston  · 1 ответ
It’s already meaning something: take the floods in Cumbria last year. Temperature records are being broken, both minimum and maximum, and it’ll increase in both directions. Maximum... Читать далее
Executive Director at Earth Day Initiative. www.earthdayinitiative.org

Why is Earth Day so important?

спрашиваетMasha Budrytė  · 1 ответ
> Earth Day really represents the birth of the modern environmental movement.  The first Earth Day in 1970 was a moment with a huge number of Americans came together and raised their... Читать далее
Professor of Tourism and International Development, University of Brighton. @MarinaNovelli73

Is there ever such a thing as ethical tourism?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 1 ответ
Yes, I believe there is. And a lot more should be done to promote more ethical and sustainable forms of travel and tourism. Ethical tourism is a type of tourism which benefits people and... Читать далее