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John Everard, former UK ambassador to Belarus, Uruguay and North Korea, former member of the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts on sanctions against North Korea. Author of Only Beautiful, Please: A British Diplomat In North Korea.

Could there be a revolution in North Korea?

спрашиваетAndrew Mueller  · 1 ответ
It’s imaginable, but every expert you talk to will give you a different view of how probable it is. Overall, in North Korea, things have been much worse in the past than they are now... Читать далее
University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer Science and Technology Department

Is it expensive for a government or a company to start using blockchain, and what are the costs associated with it?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
This is highly dependent on what application scenario you are talking about. If I am a company, and I am, say, looking to keep an audit trail of all the people who entered a secure part... Читать далее
John Everard, former UK ambassador to Belarus, Uruguay and North Korea, former member of the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts on sanctions against North Korea. Author of Only Beautiful, Please: A British Diplomat In North Korea.

Are the North Korean leadership rational actors?

спрашиваетJohn Everard  · 1 ответ
Yes, entirely. They calculate very carefully and they think hard before they make even quite minor moves. But they often miscalculate – largely, I suspect, because they don’t really... Читать далее
Correspondent for Al Jazeera, based in Beirut, Lebanon. He has previously lived in Pakistan and Israel. @ImtiazTyab

Does Pakistan qualify as a failed state?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
The short answer to that is: no.  Pakistan has institutions: it has a judiciary, a Supreme Court, federal courts, provincial courts, local courts. It has universities. It has a thriving... Читать далее