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Health news
Health and confidence expert, mentor and coach, practising EFT, NLP and teaching people how to be kinder to themselves. rhonaclews.co.uk @rhonaclews

How can I make myself stick to good habits?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
It can be challenging to stick to New Year’s Resolutions so distilling them down into goals is a more achievable approach – especially if you write them down. Research has found you’re... Читать далее
Research Fellow at Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, @OxPrimaryCare

What exactly is White Coat Syndrome and is there any way of overcoming it?

спрашиваетEdna Gittins  · 1 ответ
White coat syndrome is a phenomenon whereby patients go to see their GP or a doctor in a hospital, and the stress they feel at seeing a medical professional causes their blood pressure to... Читать далее
Senior Policy Adviser at The King’s Fund, an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. @TheKingsFund. Personal Twitter: @helenamacarena

If the money was available, how could we fix the NHS?

спрашиваетMartin Bojtos  · 1 ответ
The first thing to say is that survey data suggests that public satisfaction with the NHS is still pretty high. We work with the British Social Attitudes survey, which last year found... Читать далее
Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12

Why do people feel embarrassed the morning after drinking?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
There are dangers associated with alcohol. There are physical dangers and psychological dangers. However, I actually think the real danger with alcohol is it impairs your judgement. It... Читать далее
Award-winning dietitian (PhD), TV nutritionist and writer. Media commentator on diet, food and health. Advisor to the food industry and public sector. @DrCarrieRuxton

What's the healthiest dish I can order in my local curry house?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
Takeaway restaurants resonate with our modern culture of eating on the go. The popularity of instant food order apps mean that no-one has to switch on their oven any more, chop up those... Читать далее
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach

When is the best time to have children, in career terms?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
The consensus and trend is to wait until you are well established in your career before starting a family and it's a trend that is growing. The average age of UK women giving birth in... Читать далее
Time management and personal productivity expert. @coryfcook

What are the health benefits of working a 6-hour day?

спрашиваетK Patel  · 1 ответ
According to several studies, quite a few. Some countries, such as Sweden, have already experimented with a six-hour workday in their businesses. Besides improving productivity, working... Читать далее
Reader in Alcohol Policy and Mental Health Studies, University of Greenwich. @JohnFoster12

Am I more likely to drink unhealthily if I drink at home?

спрашиваетJim Butler  · 1 ответ
There’s no evidence for that. However, you’re the person that has to put up and manage your own boundaries. In a pub if you start to get intoxicated it can be a problem for the licensee... Читать далее
Prof Ali Tavassoli is a Cancer Research UK-funded professor of chemical biology at the University of Southampton. @DrAliTavassoli

Is cancer a single disease or a group of different disorders?

спрашиваетAlan Worsley  · 1 ответ
All cancers share the underlying principle that they start when a normal healthy cell 'goes rogue'. But beyond this premise, the term 'cancer' can account for a broad range of diseases... Читать далее