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Prof Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford @dannydorling

How unequal is Britain today, historically speaking?

спрашиваетIan Gittins  · 1 ответ
It’s terribly unequal. Britain is by far the most unequal country in Europe – in fact, only America rivals us in the entire world – and right now, in times of income inequality, we are... Читать далее
Prof Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford @dannydorling

Will anything short of global revolution end the dominance of the 1%?

спрашиваетIan Gittins  · 1 ответ
Well, the 1% is really a very British and American phenomenon.  The UK and US are by far the most unequal of the 25 richest countries in the world. Only Israel and Singapore come anywhere... Читать далее
Professor of Human Resource Management and Head of Organisation and Human Resource Management Group,Warwick Business School

Why do women still earn less than men?

спрашиваетMarina Gask-Ajani  · 1 ответ
There is no single answer to this question. One of the key factors is the motherhood penalty, whereby working mothers encounter systematic disadvantages in pay, perceived competence and... Читать далее
Nurjk Agloni Phd (c) in Sociology, University of Cambridge. Former member of the board of directors and collaborator at Crearte (www.crearte.cl)

Does charity help alleviate inequality or perpetuate it?

спрашиваетKatya Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
It is totally understandable that some might think charity has a limited role in the reduction of inequalities, and that it may even help to reinforce some of the structures underpinning... Читать далее
Professor of Human Resource Management and Head of Organisation and Human Resource Management Group,Warwick Business School

Isn’t pay inequality between men and women less important than the massive inequality between high earners and everyone else?

Анонимный вопрос  · 1 ответ
Notif you’re a woman! It’s fair to say they are both important, but slightly separate questions. And there’s a link between them because one of the things that affects the mean level... Читать далее