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Was at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester

What happened at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 4 ответа
After Ariana said her goodbyes to all her fans, the explosions went off. Everybody ran out of the arena either crying, some left their children there, some ran out with blood on their... Читать далее

name one exotic and one local breed of cow?

спрашиваетPankaj Upadhyay  · 1 ответ
Exotic breeds or foreign breeds of cow are Jersey and Brown Swiss. Local or indigenous breeds of cow are Red Sindhi and Sahiwal. Exotic breeds are selected their long lactation... Читать далее
Director of the Centre for Middle East Studies, Professor at the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma and author of Syria Comment @joshua_landis

How might the population of Syria and the region change over the coming years?

спрашиваетAlice Beardmore-Gray  · 1 ответ
To understand the future of this region you need to grasp that a new security architecture is being established, in which Iran, Syria and Lebanon are the major powers. They’re known as... Читать далее
Journalism student at City, University of London. Italian. I love reading, writing, swimming and meeting new people.

What are the main challenges of being an international student?

спрашиваетIñigo Giner  · 1 ответ
Moving to a new country is a very important, but difficult decision. You must feel ready to grow up, sometimes quite quickly, abandoning all the comforts of living at home.  This being... Читать далее

Растения пукают?

спрашиваетDark in black  · 1 ответ
В нашей компании покупают растения часто и много. В основном берут плодовые кусты и деревья, лиственные кустарникки, землянику и цветы. У нас очень широкий каталог в которой каждый найдет... Читать далее
Associate Professor of British History at the University of Warwick. Her latest book is The Political Worlds of Women: Gender and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain. @WarwickHistory

Is Theresa May a feminist?

спрашиваетTonia Samsonova  · 1 ответ
The traditional histories of feminism situate the rise of organised movements advocating women’s rights to emerge from the Liberal Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. The key figure... Читать далее
Director of the Centre for Middle East Studies, Professor at the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma and author of Syria Comment @joshua_landis

What might Donald Trump mean for Syria?

спрашиваетLaura Overmeyer  · 1 ответ
The short answer is, we just don’t know. He mentioned no fly zones but I don’t think the American military is going to go for it at all. That’s because it implies a long term commitment... Читать далее
Teaching Assistant of linguistics at Tunis University, author for Global Voices Online, blogger and activist fighting for human rights and against censorship.

What did the Arab Spring achieve?

спрашиваетM P  · 1 ответ
If we look at things superficially, we will of course say that the so-called Arab spring did not achieve anything. We will surely say that the situation is catastrophic.  Indeed, we have... Читать далее