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The Ginger Pig, Marketing Manager

What should I look for when buying steak in a butcher's or supermarket?

спрашиваетJames Croghan  · 1 ответ
“The first thing to do would be to speak to a butcher. If they can’t tell you where their meat has come, walk straight out of the door. You’re not prying, and it’s a completely normal... Читать далее

Are there markets to buy second hand fur?

спрашиваетВерити Грейям  · 1 ответ

Check out second hand shops, like the one across from Leningradsky Market. Furs are on sale for as little as 5,000 rubles, and the inventory is frequently replenished.

Lecturer in Economics at the University of Sussex.

Why are things made in the UK, with UK components and ingredients, going up in price post-Brexit?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
There are two principal reasons why prices of UK produced goods might rise post-Brexit. One is that trade costs such as tariffs and/or non-tariff barriers [eg quotas or levies] might... Читать далее

Where can I find larger shoe sizes in Moscow? (Women's EUR 42/43)?

спрашиваетКатя Дайвис  · 3 ответа

...................................................                                         Yep, that's a real problem, you'd better go to Germany for a weekend. Try Salamander, Stockmann

Nutritionist and columnist. @AmandaUrsell

What's the best-kept secret in the supermarket?

спрашиваетMartin Aston  · 1 ответ
The frozen cabinet is a really well-kept secret, because people feel that frozen food is less nutritious. In terms of vegetables, that’s absolutely not the case, because you freeze in the... Читать далее
News, Business, Culture & Multimedia from Russia

I just bought a new camera/computer/washing machine. What do I do with the old one?

спрашиваетThe Moscow Times  · 1 ответ
It depends on what you want: to earn money, pay money, do some good for the environment, or just get rid of it fast. If you want some cash, you can try selling it through a site like Из... Читать далее
Lecturer in Economics at the University of Sussex.

Which products are most likely to rise in price because of the weak pound?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
When the pound is weak, that makes imports more expensive. This affects nearly every product, however: almost all products have some kind of foreign input, either in ingredients or... Читать далее

Is there any traditional Asian market in Moscow?

спрашиваетФеликс Ким  · 2 ответа

We tried to cover it here: themoscowtimes.com You can also use Chinese shop on Danilovsky Market.We tried to cover it here: themoscowtimes.com You can also use Chinese shop on Danilovsky Market.