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Are the russians too stupid to see that putin is a dictator?

спрашиваетGoncalo Pereira  · 3 ответа
Gonçalinha,darling, may be Russians is a too stupid to see that, but how about your gayEuropean friends totally dependent from their U.S. owners. And what about mr. de Sousa, so called... Читать далее

There's a helicopter that crashed in Russia a few days ago killing 19 people and no mention of it in The Moscow Times. Why?

спрашиваетJohn Dew  · 3 ответа
Try the Crimean Tatar version of dolma with baked corn and “Sevastopol sauce” — a version of tzatziki — or the Tatar style stewed lamb with spices and Crimean plums called “izumeriki,”... Читать далее

If 1 in 4 eligible voters chose United Russia, why do they hold 4 og 5 seats in the Duma?

There's a word for 'single-member constituency' in English. Whenever you move or create them it's called Gerrymandering, and guaranteed half the seats before the vote was even called ..... Читать далее
News, Business, Culture & Multimedia from Russia

What If I Dig Up Treasure in My Dacha Garden? Can I Keep It?

спрашиваетThe Moscow Times  · 1 ответ
Is this a hypothetical question, or did you strike gold? If you hit a stash of ancient coins or your shovel pulls up pottery shards, put your shovel down, cover the area with a tarp or... Читать далее
News, Business, Culture & Multimedia from Russia

I don't understand. Have you decided that you don't want to be an ally of America?

спрашиваетNancy Korb  · 1 ответ

Hey! If by us you mean the Moscow Times team, than it's not our issue at all: we are reporters we do not take sides or make allies. We're just doing our job.

MGIMO BA, Latin-American studies

What does Russia think about the South China Sea dispute? Are they staying out of it, or do they not want to choose sides?

спрашиваетAjay Taliyan  · 1 ответ
Actually we have no interest in entering this dispute. It's way too far from our borders and we simply don't possess enough resources to project our power that far south let alone our... Читать далее
бывший спортсмен по конному спорту, биолог, ветеринар и студент.

I'm an American. I don't want to see a second Cold War. I wish us and Russia would work together and not against. People here are not happy with each other.

спрашиваетDylan Mohler  · 1 ответ

cool story bro..............................................................................................................................

Acts 5:27 So they brought them and stood them before the Sanʹhe·drin.

Then the high priest questioned them 28 and said: “We strictly ordered you not to keep t?