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The internet
University of Cambridge researcher focusing on public debate, social media, and disinformation.

Which non-mainstream news sites can I trust and which are fake?

спрашиваетStuart Muirhead  · 1 ответ
In my view, this question is, in its core, about the reliability of online information. There are so many sources of online news available to us at a mere click of the mouse that many... Читать далее
Tor Browser Co-Founder and President

Is there a safe and secure way to transcribe audio recordings using software that won't save the audio or text, or provide it to third parties?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ

Thanks for this question.

We would expect the folks at WITNESS to have useful suggestions on this kind of transcription software: https://witness.org/

PhD researcher at the Department of Scoiology, University of Cambridge

How is online dating going to change society?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
Being single has never been easy. Humans are social beings: we gain meaning, purpose, fulfilment, contentment, drama, prosperity, knowledge, understanding from interacting with other... Читать далее
Web developer, journalist, translator / Разработчик сайтов, журналист, переводчик

What are the key trends in digital media, online content and marketing for 2017?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 2 ответа
I'd like to add a few more points to Martin's excellent round-up. 5. AI Artificial intelligence, deep neural network, machine learning technologies are advancing at an incredible pace... Читать далее

Печать на конвертах?

спрашиваетچاپ متین  · 1 ответ
Печать на конвертах Печать и обновление нестандартных конвертов Дизайн обложки и качество печати на конвертах так же важны, как и содержимое конверта. На матовых печатных конвертах... Читать далее
University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer Science and Technology Department

Is blockchain really more secure than other systems?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
A blockchain is just a blob of data. What matters is how you maintain that blob of data, and how you are using it. So if you are going to compare bitcoin to a centralised server, like... Читать далее
Почти филолог, почти музыкант

Does the popularity of emoji and text-speak indicate a dumbing-down of society?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 2 ответа
Absolutely not. Of course, it`s just my opinion, nevertheless, i`m sure that emojis don`t make us dumber. On the contrary, they are much more easier to use in everyday life. Nowadays... Читать далее
Digital Marketing Manager

How can I search the Internet without having my results filtered by an algorithm?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 2 ответа

Just use duckduckgo.com

As a digital marketer I'm using Google obviously when it comes to business, other than that, I switch to duckduckgo.

A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

How can you trust a system where about half of early-mined bitcoins have never been used, and therefore maintain a risk of hyperinflation?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
The answer is you cannot. As a legendary investor and Vanguard Group Inc. founder Jack Bogle said, "There is nothing to support bitcoin except the hope that you will sell it to someone... Читать далее
University of Cambridge researcher focusing on public debate, social media, and disinformation.

How can I keep abreast of the news without succumbing to the demoralising effects it has on my mood?

спрашиваетChris Draper  · 1 ответ
Just as a heads up: I don't have a good working theory here, all I can tell you is what I do myself. As a former journalist and current PhD-candidate in media studies, keeping up with the... Читать далее