Личный кабинет

Задание 16. ЕГЭ-2016 - Задание 16: все задания

1. Задание#T27270

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE) ________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes — some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE) ________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE) ________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD) ________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE) ________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW) ________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE) ________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

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Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 155 раз. С ним справились 14% пользователей.

2. Задание#T21629

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

In Antarctica, are people upside down?

(1) Of course, when (STAND)________ at the bottom of the Earth, you (NOT FEEL)________ upside down.

(2) Your (FOOT)________ are on the ground and the sky is above you.

(3) But an astronaut in Outer Space may look down at you and (NOTICE)________ that your head is pointing in the opposite direction to someone standing at the North Pole (incidentally, from the same view, someone in London may look somewhat sideways).

(4) Thanks to gravity, we all (GROUND)________ on the Earth with our heads towards the clouds, and we're all right-side up relative to (WE)________ location. (5) Life (BE)________ all about perspectives.

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Преобразуйте слово (BE) в предложении (5) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
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Это задание решали 185 раз. С ним справились 87% пользователей.

3. Задание#T21600

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Message in a Bottle Found Five Years on

(1) A message in a bottle (THROW)________ into the sea off Japan by a girl five years ago (FIND)________ by a US sailor in Hawaii.

(2) Saki Arikawa, 17, from Kagoshima, said she had almost forgotten about the bottle and couldn’t believe the news.

(3) It was discovered on Thursday by Navy Petty Officer Jon Moore during a beach cleanup on Kauai island.

(4) It (CONTAIN)________ four origami cranessymbols of peace in Japan a photo of Ms Arikawa’s class and a note dated 25 March 2006.

(5) News of the bottle’s recovery has reconnected her with more than a dozen of her old classmates.

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A Skiing City Break in Austria

(6)Postcard-pretty Innsbruck is the ideal destination for anyone who (WANT)________ to combine a skiing holiday with a city break.

(7)The capital of the Habsburg Empire in the late middle ages, it has a (CHARM)________ old town with many ornate medieval buildings, together with natural baroque additions, (INCLUDE)________ the cathedral.

(8)The city is home to a wealth of museums, galleries, bars and restaurants, and has twice played host to the Winter Olympics, so it has a lot of winter-sports facilities, and — just a short train ride out of town — ski tracks (CHALLENGE)_______ the most accomplished of skiers.

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Преобразуйте слово (CHALLENGE) в предложении (8) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
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Это задание решали 125 раз. С ним справились 18% пользователей.

4. Задание#T21571

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Skype Logo

(1) In 2003 the (EARLY)________ form of the popular Skype icon (LAUNCH)________.

(2) It was based on a simple yellow speech balloon. (3) The icon (UNDERGO)________ several overhauls throughout the years.

(4) The current Skype icon (FEATURE)________ the letter “S” in white color with a bright blue background.

(5) The bubbly Skype logo (BASE)________ on the Arial Rounded MT Bold typeface.

(6) It features the company name on a series of circles which collectively (MAKE)________ a “cloud”.

(7) The blue color in the Skype logo (REPRESENT)________ communication, prosperity and the emotion of hope; whereas the white color represents peace and harmony.

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Преобразуйте слово (REPRESENT) в предложении (7) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 100 раз. С ним справились 82% пользователей.

5. Задание#T21542

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

(1) Why did Ancient Egyptians Build Pyramids? (2) Why not Giant Rectangles or Some Other Shape? (3) Egyptologists assume they represent primeval hills, the hills that on the day of creation (RISE) ________ out of the flood.

(4) This idea certainly comes from the natural state of Egypt in former times. (5) The land (FLOOD) ________ by the Nile, and when the flood retreated, islands appeared which (CONSIDER) ________ to be symbols of the day of creation. (6) So a pyramid could represent such a hill. (7) But one could ask: why was it not just a rounded hill, why did it have edges (LEAD) ________ to a top?

(8) Another idea is that kings used pyramids (CLIMB) ________ up to their heaven. (9) But these are all speculations. (10) A final theory is that in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (the centre of the sun cult in Egypt) there was a monument (CALL) ________ a benben stone.

(11) It could be that this sacred stone had the shape of a pyramid, and that the people who (BUILD) ________ the pyramids were trying to recreate that, because the top piece of a pyramid is called a benben.

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Преобразуйте слово (BUILD) в предложении (11) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 119 раз. С ним справились 66% пользователей.

6. Задание#T21513

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why is the Sky Blue?

(1) At first, people (THINK) ________ the sky was blue because there were water droplets in it, but if that were true you (GET) ________ a deeper blue when the air is more humid and that's not the case. (2) After a little more investigation, it (REALISE) ________ that the blue was due to the air molecules in the atmosphere. (3) The light from the sun is made up of many different colours, each of which is a different wavelength of light. (4) The wavelength of red, for example, is longer than the wavelength of blue.

(5) (LONG) ________ wavelengths for the most part travel straight through air molecules, while shorter ones are more scattered by (THEY) ________ .

(6) So when the blue wavelengths hit the air molecules, they are scattered all over the sky ‒ and that's what you see when you look up.

(7) At sunset, when the sun is lower on the horizon, its light has (TRAVEL) ________ through many more air molecules than when it is right above us. (8) All these molecules scatter the red wavelengths, too, and that's why the sun (LOOK) ________ red at the end of the day.

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Преобразуйте слово (LOOK) в предложении (8) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Запишите полученное слово или словосочетание в поле ответ, без пробелов, запятых и других знаков препинания.
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Это задание решали 145 раз. С ним справились 61% пользователей.

7. Задание#T21484

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why Do Your Hands and Feet Go Wrinkly in the Bath, but not the Rest of You?

(1) The outer layer of your skin, the epidermis, (PRODUCE)________ an oily substance (CALL)________ sebum – you can see it when you touch a mirror or a window; it's the oil you leave there.

(2) Sebum keeps water off your skin, but after a long period underwater, the sebum (WASH)________ off and the skin starts to absorb water.

(3) When you (IMMERSE)________ for a long time, dead cells in the outermost layer of your skin (which protects the body from the environment) absorb the water. (4) This causes this layer to expand and therefore have a greater surface area.

(5)(ATTACH)________ to the tissue below, it wrinkles (COMPENSATE)________ for the greater surface area.

(6) This outer skin layer is (THICK)________ on the palms of your hands and on the soles of your feet than on the other parts of your body, so absorbs more water here, making the wrinkling more noticeable.

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Преобразуйте слово (THICK) в предложении (6) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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Это задание решали 97 раз. С ним справились 77% пользователей.

8. Задание#T21455

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why Do Songs Get Stuck In Our Heads?

(1) Having a song, tune, or commercial jingle stuck in one's head is a phenomenon (KNOW)________ as having an earworm.

(2) Most people have had an earworm at one time. (3) The experience is harmless and unrelated to both obsessive-compulsive disorder and endomusia, the (HEAR)________ of music that is not really there.

(4) Certain songs — simple, repetitive, or oddly incongruous — have properties that act as mental mosquito bites in that they produce a cognitive "itch." (5) The condition also arises when people struggle (12)REMEMBER forgotten lyrics or how a song ends.

(6) To scratch a cognitive itch, the brain (REPEAT)________ the song, which then traps the hapless victim in a repeated cycle of itching and scratching.

(7) Everyone has his or her own list of demon tunes that haunt. (8) Earworms occur more often among women, musicians, and individuals who (TEND)________ to worry.

(9) Earworms also vary across situations, striking when people (TIRE)________ or under stress.

(10) How can you make an earworm go away? (11) Thinking of something else or actually listening to the song in question are thought to help, but there is presently no research evidence showing what works best. Fortunately, (MANY)________ episodes eventually dissipate on their own.

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Преобразуйте слово (MANY) в предложении (11) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
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Это задание решали 158 раз. С ним справились 58% пользователей.

9. Задание#T21426

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE) ________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE) ________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE) ________ with flags and flowers. (9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE) ________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK) ________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE) ________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD) ________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (GOOD) в предложении (13) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
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Это задание решали 168 раз. С ним справились 95% пользователей.
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