В среду, 9 сентября 2009 года, в офисе Яндекса на Самокатной выступит Евгений Агиштейн, доцент кафедры математических и компьютерных наук Университета Эмори (Mathematics and Computer Science Department), где он руководит Intelligent Information Access Laboratory.
Тема выступления – «Tracking the Searcher's Every Move: Inferring Searcher Intent».
Improved understanding of searcher intent and behavior is crucial for improving web search. For example, intent inference can be used for automatic search evaluation, improving ranking, and designing better search interfaces. We begin by analyzing the factors that influence the overall search behavior (clicks and browsing), and discuss recent developments in extracting relevance information from behavior. However, our goal is to go beyond the most popular meaning of a query, and instead to guess the individual search intent. I will present our recent work on exploring the connections between search intent and contextual and behavior clues, including mouse movement, clicking, scrolling, and other client-side data. I will also describe a practical application of our work to predicting clicks on search ads, where (in some cases) we can dramatically increase prediction accuracy over existing methods.
The presentation will be in English.
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Начало мероприятия в 18:00, регистрация открывается в 17:30. Необходимо предварительно зарегистрироваться по телефону +7 495 739-7000, так как количество мест ограничено.
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