Сегодня мы открываем регистрацию на семинар Ricardo Baeza-Yates — VP of Yahoo! Research for Europe, Middle East and Latin America, leading the labs at Barcelona, Spain and Santiago, Chile, as well as supervising the newer lab in Haifa, Israel.
В связи с краткосрочным визитом Рикардо в Россию, мы отступаем от привычного для всех графика и проводим семинар в четверг, 16 сентября, в 11:00. Традиционно семинар будет проходить в московском офисе Яндекса.
Тема доклада: Towards a Distributed Search Engine
Тезисы: In the ocean ofWeb data, Web search engines are the primary way to access content. As the data is on the order of petabytes, current search engines are very large centralized systems based on replicated clusters.
Web data, however, is always evolving. The number of Web sites continues to grow rapidly and there are currently more than 20 billion indexed pages. In the near future, centralized systems are likely to become ineffective against such a load, thus suggesting the need of fully distributed search engines. Such engines need to achieve the following goals: high quality answers, fast response time, high query throughput, and scalability. This talk surveys and organizes recent research results, and outlines the main challenges of designing a distributed Web retrieval system.
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Юлия Симутенко, обучаем и развиваем