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Можно ли транслировать с Bluetooth устройств на TV видео /аудио сигнал, если вставить в USB Bluetooth адаптер?

спрашиваетCuring Hands  · 1 ответ
Добрый день! К сожалению, Bluetooth-адаптеры помогут в «обратной» ситуации, когда нужно с телевизора транслировать что-то на устройства вывода звука/изображения. В этом случае вы сможете... Читать далее
Имею естественно научное образование, в юношестве прикипел к литературе, сейчас активно занимаюсь развитием в IT сфере

Как настроить телевизор Полар P28L33T2C на канальное телевидение?

спрашиваетАлла М.  · 1 ответ
Вам нужно зайти в Меню-Каналы Там выбрать страну вещания, далее в пункте "Режим телевизора" выбираем "Эфир" После чего запускаем автопоиск и выбираем нужные вам каналы Ждем... Читать далее
User of The Question

Why can't Doctor Who meet his friends from the past like Donna, Mickey etc even though some of them still exist in his reality?

спрашиваетDani Potion  · 1 ответ
This is a good question. If the Doctor can travel anywhere in time and space, why doesn’t he always visit old friends? Why should goodbye mean goodbye forever? And why doesn’t he... Читать далее

Do people learn about society from TV shows, and is this bad for society?

спрашиваетKatya Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
'Do people learn?' is itself a complicated question. But assuming that learning is possible, we can indeed find ways in which some people, do learn from TV shows some things about... Читать далее
Agent at Impact Sports Management, boutique sports agency and management firm representing some of the most successful athletes in the industry. @ImpactSportsInc

What’s the transfer window deadline day like for a football agent?

спрашиваетMatt Allen  · 1 ответ
Funnily enough it’s not a day of frantic activity as created by the media (though if something comes it last minute, it can be). Instead it’s like a normal working day for a football... Читать далее
Exec Producer on US daytime drama The Young And The Restless. Formerly producer on Brookside (C4), BBC Controller of Drama Series (1997-2004) overseeing Eastenders, Casualty, Holby City, Waking The Dead and the return of Doctor Who. @malyoung

Why are American soaps so different from UK soaps?

спрашиваетLili Harges  · 1 ответ
The US TV industry is based on the movie business – stars, brands, concepts, the logline, the poster. UK TV is based on the theatre and literature – the author’s voice, Dickens and Shakesp... Читать далее
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Central European University. Job: explaining consciousness. Hobby: non-revolutionary anti-capitalism. @Philip_Goff

Are the Hosts in Westworld conscious?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
* Warning! Spoilers! Don’t read unless you’ve seen the season finale of Westworld. There’s a great deal of discussion about the possibility of Artificial Intelligence. But what of the... Читать далее
Exec Producer on US daytime drama The Young And The Restless. Formerly producer on Brookside (C4), BBC Controller of Drama Series (1997-2004) overseeing Eastenders, Casualty, Holby City, Waking The Dead and the return of Doctor Who. @malyoung

Why is EastEnders so miserable?

спрашиваетLeona Thomas  · 1 ответ
Great drama is about conflict, challenges and thereby, most often, great misery. I produced a Channel 4 show years ago called Brookside. It was always referred to as “the miserable... Читать далее
Exec Producer on US daytime drama The Young And The Restless. Formerly producer on Brookside (C4), BBC Controller of Drama Series (1997-2004) overseeing Eastenders, Casualty, Holby City, Waking The Dead and the return of Doctor Who. @malyoung

Have British soaps become too unrealistic?

спрашиваетStuart Muirhead  · 1 ответ
The problem is that when you have a soap that’s been around for years, compared against the “real world”, it becomes questionable. Yes, everybody in EastEnders would in reality be able to... Читать далее
University of Cambridge researcher focusing on public debate, social media, and disinformation.

Do we believe what the media tell us?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
The question of how media influence public opinion began being asked in earnest after World War II, when researchers first tried to model the ways information reaches a mass audience... Читать далее