Working with reviews

Yandex users can leave reviews of sites and businesses. Users write site reviews on their Public page. Business reviews are added by users in Yandex services (Yandex.Maps, search results, and so on) and on partner sites. For more information about feedback sources, see the Yandex.Business Help.

  1. Where you can view and respond to reviews
  2. Working with reviews on the “Site information” page
  3. Working with reviews on the “Reviews” page in Yandex.Webmaster
  4. FAQ

Where you can view and respond to reviews

You can view reviews and respond to them on the Site information page and on the Reviews page in Yandex.Webmaster.

What / Where “Site information” “Reviews” in Webmaster
View reviews
Site reviews
Business reviews
Respond to a review
Site reviews
Business reviews
From a site or business representative The response will be shown as official on services where the review is published
Report a review

Reviews and responses are moderated within a few days.

Yandex.Webmaster regularly checks for new reviews. To stay informed about site reviews, configure notifications.

When viewing, you can sort site reviews:
  • Newest first — to view the recently written ones.
  • By popularity — to view reviews that users read and mark more often.
  • By relevance — to view the reviews that are most useful for the users.
  • Good ones first — to view the reviews with site ratings 4 and 5.
  • Bad ones first — to view the reviews with site ratings 1-3.
When writing a review, users can rate the site. The Site information and Reviews pages in Yandex.Webmaster show the rating scale. It shows the total number of reviews and the ratio of good and bad ratings. 1-3 are considered bad ratings and 4 and 5 are considered good.

Ratings can be displayed on the Quality indicators page if there's more than 10 site reviews.

Reviews are no longer displayed if:

  • The user deleted the review on their public page.
  • The review was removed because it didn't comply with the guidelines.
Note. Yandex.Webmaster monitors data credibility. That's why only the site owner can respond to a review. To respond to a review, select the site's main mirror or the main domain in Yandex.Webmaster.

Working with reviews on the “Site information” page

On the Site information page, all visitors can see the reviews. To respond to a review, you need to log in to Yandex.

You can open the “Display in the search” page from the search results.

Working with reviews on the “Reviews” page in Yandex.Webmaster

On the Site quality → Reviews page, you can read reviews, respond to them, and report them. If you respond to a review in Yandex.Webmaster, the user will see your response as Official.

To see a review and respond to it, you need to have access to the site in Yandex.Webmaster.

If you think that the review isn't connected to your site or business or doesn't meet the requirements (for business reviews or site reviews), you can report it. Your message will be sent to the support service.

The claim is processed within five days. If your complaint is validated, the review will stop being displayed.

If a review follows the guidelines but you still disagree with its content, we recommend that you respond to the review and communicate with the user.


How to make reviews visible to everyone

Website reviews are displayed on the Display in the search public page. You can open it from the site snippet in the search results. Business reviews are displayed on Yandex.Maps and in Yandex search results.

You can't publish the reviews on your site.

Why aren't reviews displayed in Yandex.Webmaster?
There are probably no reviews for your business or site yet, or they are no longer displayed for a variety of reasons.

Tell us what your question is about so we can direct you to the right specialist:

Make sure that:
  • The website is added to Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Business in the same way (with or without the "www" prefix, and with the HTTPS or HTTP protocol).
  • The main website page is added to Yandex.Business without UTM tags.
  • The website rights in Yandex.Webmaster and in the Yandex.Business card are confirmed for the same username.

If the business has reviews, they will appear in Yandex.Webmaster within a week after you correct the mistakes.

If you don't find any mistakes or the reviews are still not displayed after this time, fill out the form.

To learn more about business reviews, see the Yandex.Business Help. You can also contact support from the Help page.