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Задание 2. ЕГЭ-2016 - Задание 2: все задания

1. Задание#T27256

Read the text below. Choose from (1–7) the one which best fits each space (A–F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. they change throughout the lifecycle
  2. different things happen during each stage
  3. it can lead to daytime sleepiness
  4. the brain shuts off and the body rests
  5. that adults need less sleep as they get older
  6. you get enough sleep
  7. you are more likely to be in a car crash

Introduction to sleep

When you're in a rush to meet work, school, family, or household responsibilities, do you cut back on your sleep? Like many people, you might think that sleep is merely a "down time" when (A)________. Think again. What is sleep? Sleep was long considered just a uniform block of time when you are not awake. Thanks to sleep studies done over the past several decades, it is now known that sleep has distinctive stages that cycle throughout the night. Your brain stays active throughout sleep, but (B)________. For instance, certain stages of sleep are indeed for us to feel well rested and energetic the next day, and other stages help us learn or make memories. In brief, a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help maintain good health and enable people to function at their best. On the other hand, not getting enough sleep can be dangerous - for example, (C)________ if you drive when you are tired. How much sleep is enough? Sleep needs vary from person to person, and (D)________. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Newborns, on the other hand, sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, and children in preschool sleep between 10 and 12 hours a day. Schoolaged children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night. Some people believe (E)________. But there is no evidence to show that older people can get by with less sleep than younger people. As people age, however, they often get less sleep or they tend to spend less time in the deep, restful stages of sleep. Why sleep is good for you and skimping on it isn't? Does it really matter if (F)________? Absolutely! Not only does the quantity of your sleep matter, but the quality of your sleep is important as well.

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2. Задание#T21615

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. to stop at this command
  2. to enable policemen
  3. awarding the lollypop lady
  4. holding up the sign
  5. to cross the road safely
  6. to assist adults with crossing, too
  7. to supplement their income

Lollipop Men and Women

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F).
There is one choice you do not need to use.

In Britain someone helping children cross the street is called “lollipop person”, because their sign looks like a lollipop.

The job of a lollipop person is to walk to the middle of the road at a suitable time, (A)________; it is a legal requirement for traffic (B)________. The lollipop man/ lady will signal that it is all right (C)________. Traffic may only move once the sign has been lowered.

Generally speaking, school crossings are manned for approximately 3 hours a day or less. As a result, the work has always appealed more to people who were just seeking (D)________ such as the retired.

Lollypop people were introduced (E)________, who had previously run crossing patrols, to perform other duties. The earliest lollipops were red and black rectangles printed with “Stop, Children Crossing”.

In 2001 in Europe patrollers were given extra powers allowing them (F)________. The most recent change in the history of the School Crossing Patrol saw the word “children” replaced with a symbol to bring the UK in line with the rest of the EU.

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3. Задание#T21586

Read the text below. Choose from (1–7) the one which best fits each space (A–F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. that zebras are extremely unique
  2. patterns vary from zebra to zebra
  3. whereas people outside Africa consider them
  4. zebras’ stripes are hard to count
  5. that zebras can recognize other zebras
  6. which way each zebra is moving
  7. that extend to every part of the body

Why are Zebras Striped?

When zebras stick together in a herd, the pattern of their stripes blend together with the stripes of the zebras around them. This is confusing to a lion! All it can see is a large, moving, striped mass. The lion has trouble picking out individual zebras and it’s harder still for the lion to recognize (A)________! Each zebra pattern is unique like a fingerprint. Like a fingerprint (B)________ and no two zebras are exactly alike. What is truly amazing is (C)________ from their body stripe! There are several species classified according to variations in stripe patterns. The mountain zebra has silver-white stripes with black markings (D)________ except for the stomach and the inner thighs. Plains zebras are pale yellow with broad black stripes. Do you know that people of Africa think of zebras as black animals with white stripes (E)________ as white animals with black stripes! Black stripes or white, the fact remains (F)________ and are among the fastest and most graceful of runners in the African bush land.

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4. Задание#T21557

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. which was translated into several languages
  2. who at the age of 15 won a competition
  3. who had been prescribed sleeping pills
  4. that influenced his decision
  5. who was then working in an automobile dealership
  6. appearing in some 40 films
  7. that made him a truthful model for Tintin

The Boy Scout Who Was Tintin

As with many great fictional heroes, there are several possible models who may or may not have inspired the character of the brave boy reporter Tintin. But one of the most likely was a Danish youngster named Palle Huld, (A) ________ to travel around the world in imitation of Jules Verne’s Phileas Fogg. In his case, he was given just 46 days to accomplish the feat, wasn’t allowed a companion and was forbidden to travel by aeroplane. Nevertheless, Huld managed it in 44 days. Nor was it only his age and dauntless spirit (B) ________. It was also his appearance. He had freckles, a snub nose and unruly bright-red hair.

Huld, (C) ________, was chosen from applicants, and set off among a storm of publicity in March. His voyage was not without mishaps, yet he made it home - much to the relief of his poor mother, (D) ________ during her boy’s absence to help her cope with the stress.

The following year, the enterprising Huld wrote his own account of his adventures, A Boy Seoul Around the World, (E) ________. His travels around the globe apparently gave him a taste for fame, too. He went on to become a distinguished actor, (F) ________, including Three Men In Search of a Troll.

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5. Задание#T21528

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F).There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. it evolved into a smaller animal needing less space and food
  2. which was slightly longer and heavier than a car
  3. where the bones and footprints of dinosaurs have been found together
  4. people thought they were from baby dinosaurs
  5. where trees grow up to one hundred metres
  6. that as the water levels begin to rise
  7. while the animal is young and growing quickly

When Giants Go Mini: Size of Dinosaurs Surprises Paleontologists

When very small dinosaur bones were found in a rock mine in Germany’s Harz Mountains in 1998, (A) ________.

But paleontologist Martin Sander’s work shows that they were probably full grown! Named Europasaurus, they are the smallest of the giant dinosaur species ever found.

Growth marks on dinosaur bones are similar to growth rings on trees. The rings are far apart (B) ________. They form closer together as growth slows.

“It is precisely these tight compressed marks that we have discovered just beneath the surface of the fossil bones,” says Sander. So the Europasaurus fossils in the mine must have been from full-grown animals.

Why was Europasaurus, (C) ________, so much smaller than its cousins the brachiosaurs, which grew up to 148 feet (45 meters) long and weighed as much as a thousand humans?

Back 150 million years ago, most of Germany was underwater. Scientists think (D) ________, land and food there became more and more scarce. Europasaurus was forced to adapt to its shrinking habitat, so (E) ________.

Since 1998, an international team of scientists has carefully dug up more than 1,000 dinosaur fossils in the rock mine It is one of the few places in the world (F) ________.

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6. Задание#T21499

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. we also hold on to the old things that work well
  2. . is crucial to student success
  3. to serve the specific needs
  4. is limited to a single user
  5. reading online versus reading a book
  6. provide several chapters to read free
  7. is not replaced by it

Do School Libraries Still Need Books?

In an era of Internet research and downloadable books, some educators question the need for printed collections

An online library cannot replace the unique collection of resources that I — like many school librarians — have built over a period of years (A)________ of my students, faculty, and the school's curriculum.

One of my primary responsibilities as a librarian is to teach information-literacy skills — including defining research questions, avoiding plagiarism, and documenting sources. In my experience, this works best face-to-face with students. That personal interaction is supported by the electronic availability of materials but (B)________.

Librarians also encourage reading, which (C)________. Focused reading is more likely to occur with printed books than with online material.

Today's students shouldn't miss out on the unique pleasure of getting lost in a physical book. Research shows that the brain functions differently when (D)________, and different formats complement different learning styles.

Unlike an e-reader or a laptop, which may provide access to many books but (E)________, a printed book is a relatively inexpensive information-delivery system that is not dependent on equipment, power, or bandwidth for its use.

One of the beauties of libraries is that we keep up with new technologies, but (F)________. We don't have to choose between technology and printed books, and we shouldn't.

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7. Задание#T21470

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F).
There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. to relax from the tension of homework or tests
  2. . showing up to play for them
  3. like a jigsaw puzzle
  4. to be completely objective
  5. lacking a music program
  6. holding my saxophone
  7. like a fish at the end of a line

Music for the Soul

It is impossible for me (A) when it comes to the subject of music or the music program in school. I have been in my school’s band since I was in the sixth grade. The unity and structure of the music caught my ear and pulled me in (B). I was interested in how so many instruments could all have different parts and still fit together (C). I toyed with the thought of playing multiple instruments before I decided to follow my big brother’s footsteps and invest in a saxophone. Six years have passed since (D)for the first time and I still enjoy playing.

Although I do view my school as a very fun and exciting place with eccentric teachers and great students, I would not enjoy it if it was (E). For the people in a band, music class is an escape from the math, English, and science classes they take every day. Music is a way for students (F). As a music fan, I sleep, read, and do homework better when there is music constantly playing in the background.

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8. Задание#T21441

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. which make it a heaven for bird watchers
  2. cut away from the rest of the world about 6 million years ago
  3. that is mainly engaged in agriculture and hunting
  4. Socotra supports one of the world's most amazing plant life
  5. they all deserve a big thankful hug
  6. the islands have a seriously harsh climate
  7. some of which go as deep as 7 kilometres

The Lost Islands of Socotra, Yemen Socotra is a collection of 4 islands (A) ________. Socotra’s long isolation has given birth to a unique variety of endemic flora, giving Socotra the distinction of being “the most alien looking place on earth". Besides, (B) ________. The average temperature around the year is about 25 degrees Centigrade. Rains are very scanty and strong winds hit the island in monsoon.

Socotra’s geography is also a major reason why it is such a fascinating place. Its little patch of land has a diverse geography. The landscape consists of features like plains, plateaus, sandy beaches and mountains as high as 1503 meters. The plateaus are full of caves, (C) ________. There are sand dunes and amazing beaches which add to the awesomeness of the place.

In spite of the scorching temperature, (D) ________. Socotra is home to a total of 825 plant species, out of which about one third are found nowhere on earth. The islands also offer a diverse show of fauna, with birds mostly dominating the environment. Socotra has about 140 species of birds (E) ________.

The 4 islands of Socotra have a total population of about 70,000. The inhabitants are mostly of Arabian and African origin. They are peaceful, joyful, and hospitable. For me, (F) ________ for conserving this amazing ecosystem for the rest of the world.

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9. Задание#T21413

Read the text below. Choose from (1—7) the one which best fits each space (A—F).
There is one choice you do not need to use.


Coca-Cola (often abbreviated to "Coke") is a cola drink and is the world's most popular carbonated soft drink. The Coca-Cola Company's headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, (A)________ around 1884. Coke's inventor, John Pemberton, was not a quickwitted marketer of his drink, and the ownership of Coke eventually passed to Asa Candler, (B)________. Candler's successful marketing, continued by his successors such as Robert Woodruff, established Coke as a major soft drink first in the United States and later around the world.

Originally designed to be sold at soda fountains, (C)________, whose distinctive shape has become a part of the drink's branding. Major advertising campaigns have established Coca-Cola slogans such as "The pause that refreshes" as part of popular culture. Nevertheless, Coca-Cola has been criticised for its possible negative health effects, with many urban myths surrounding it. In addition, (D)________ has been periodically challenged, in particular by its main rival Pepsi-Cola. This tension reached its peak during the 1980s, at the height of the Cola Wars, which eventually resulted in the heavily-publicised introduction of "New Coke", (E)________. The widely unpopular decision was eventually voided in the face of public opposition.

Since then, the Coca-Cola Company has on occasion introduced soft drinks under the Coca-Cola brand name. The most famous of these is Diet Coke, which has become a major diet cola, but others exist, such as Cherry Coke. There are also (F)________ but which remain unaffiliated with Coca-Cola the drink, such as Sprite.

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