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Тренировочный вариант Яндекс.ЕГЭ по английскому языку № 23 за 2016 год

Тренировочный вариант состоит из 29 заданий. Ответом может быть целое число, десятичная дробь (записывайте её через запятую, вот так: 2,5) или последовательность цифр (пишите без пробелов: 97531). Закончив работу, нажмите «Завершить тест». Яндекс.Репетитор подсчитает ваш результат и покажет верные ответы.

1. Задание#T27255

Choose from headings (1—8) the one which best fits each text (A—G). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. The actions of forestry industry.
  2. More attention to its own environmental problems.
  3. Various types of harm.
  4. Need for European protection.
  5. Planting more trees.
  6. Other industries under the threat.
  7. Changing the situation for the better.
  8. Finding out the reasons.

Europe’s Trees In Danger

A. Forestry experts have called on the European Union to use its powers in order to protect the continent’s woodlands. This follows the publication of a recent report showing that one quarter of Europe’s trees showed signs of severe damage. The experts are asking for wide-ranging action as it now seems clear that Europe’s forests are reaching crisis point.

B. The study examined trees across the whole of Europe and found that they were being damaged throughout the continent. Twenty-six per cent of Europe’s trees had lost significant numbers of leaves, while more than ten per cent showed signs of discoloration.

C. The report also put forward factors such as air pollution and climate change as causes of this environmental problem. Responding to the report, however, a European spokesman said it was too early to be certain about what was causing the widespread damage. The European Commission has begun a more detailed 20-year study which will hopefully produce clearer answers.

D. Francis O’Sullivan, senior forestry officer at the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), pointed out: “While Europe is quick to condemn tropical countries over their forestry policies, it has been ignoring the crisis in its own backyard. Europe now has fewer forests than any other continent except Antarctica, and has less protected woodland than any other region in the world.”

E. “Less than one per cent of our ancient forests remain,” he added. “If this is allowed to continue, the damage to our forest systems will result in a reduction in water quality and will cause a crisis in the fishing, tourist and timber industries, as well as threatening the ecological balance in Europe”.

F. Nigel Dudley, a specialist forestry adviser, says that the forestry industry has made substantial progress in organising a programme of forest management, but in his opinion European governments have not been acting quickly enough. Dudley believes that there is a need for further European action on commitments made at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.

G. Next month the WWF will be reporting on how well governments around the world have kept their Rio summit promises. Most governments are expected to get poor reports. The situation in Europe may, however, be about to improve as the European Parliament is to begin investigating forest protection and may ask for new safeguards to protect the health of Europe’s trees.

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2. Задание#T27256

Read the text below. Choose from (1–7) the one which best fits each space (A–F). There is one choice you do not need to use.
  1. they change throughout the lifecycle
  2. different things happen during each stage
  3. it can lead to daytime sleepiness
  4. the brain shuts off and the body rests
  5. that adults need less sleep as they get older
  6. you get enough sleep
  7. you are more likely to be in a car crash

Introduction to sleep

When you're in a rush to meet work, school, family, or household responsibilities, do you cut back on your sleep? Like many people, you might think that sleep is merely a "down time" when (A)________. Think again. What is sleep? Sleep was long considered just a uniform block of time when you are not awake. Thanks to sleep studies done over the past several decades, it is now known that sleep has distinctive stages that cycle throughout the night. Your brain stays active throughout sleep, but (B)________. For instance, certain stages of sleep are indeed for us to feel well rested and energetic the next day, and other stages help us learn or make memories. In brief, a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help maintain good health and enable people to function at their best. On the other hand, not getting enough sleep can be dangerous - for example, (C)________ if you drive when you are tired. How much sleep is enough? Sleep needs vary from person to person, and (D)________. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Newborns, on the other hand, sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, and children in preschool sleep between 10 and 12 hours a day. Schoolaged children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night. Some people believe (E)________. But there is no evidence to show that older people can get by with less sleep than younger people. As people age, however, they often get less sleep or they tend to spend less time in the deep, restful stages of sleep. Why sleep is good for you and skimping on it isn't? Does it really matter if (F)________? Absolutely! Not only does the quantity of your sleep matter, but the quality of your sleep is important as well.

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Запишите в поле для ответа последовательность цифр, соответствующих буквам ABCDEF.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

3. Задание#T27257

Read the text below. For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them — Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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The Santa Lucias were dangerous because...
  1. robbers were hiding there.
  2. earthquakes were frequent.
  3. they were in the west.
  4. a lot of mountaineers had found their death there.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

4. Задание#T27258

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them — Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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The farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley...
  1. when it rained a lot.
  2. when the dry years came.
  3. when the wind was too strong.
  4. when it was too hot.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

5. Задание#T27259

Read the text below.

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them — Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
The Spanish priests were sent to the place by their king...
  1. to find gold.
  2. collect insects, nuts, and shellfish.
  3. admire the beautiful views.
  4. to spread Christianity.

6. Задание#T27260

Read the text below.

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I donТt know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them Ч Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
The Americans came because...
  1. they needed land for farming.
  2. they wanted to build roads.
  3. they wanted to protect the topsoil from the wind.
  4. they had growing families.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

7. Задание#T27261

Read the text below.

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I donТt know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them Ч Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
The narrator must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories because...
  1. he would not be able to tell his story without them.
  2. no story could be told without them.
  3. he liked them a lot.
  4. his grandfather had told him to use them.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

8. Задание#T27262

Read the text below.

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them — Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
The Hamiltons came to the Salinas Valley...
  1. to escape from the British police
  2. to leave the hardships behind
  3. for no obvious reasons
  4. to forget the troubles he had in Ireland

9. Задание#T27263

Read the text below.

How it all began

The Salinas Valley is long and narrow, and it lies between two mountain ranges in Northern California. The Salinas River twists and turns through the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay. I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley. They were light and sunny and lovely, and they invited you to climb into their warm foothills. The Santa Lucias stood darkly against the sky to the west, and they were unfriendly and dangerous. I always loved the East and feared the West, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was because the morning came over the peaks of the Gabilans, and the night approached from the Santa Lucias.

The floor of the Salinas Valley was wide and flat. After a rainy winter, the valley was carpeted with spring flowers of all colours: bright blue and white, burning orange, red, and mustard yellow. In the shade of the oak trees, green plants grew and gave a good smell. In June the grasses on the hills turned gold and yellow and red. The soil in the valley was deep and rich, but in the foothills it was poor and thin.

There were good years, when the rainfall was plentiful, but there were also very bad years. The water came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or six wet, wonderful years followed by six or seven good years. Then came the dry years when the earth dried and cracked and the streams stopped. The grass was scarce, the cattle grew thin, and a hot, dry wind blew dust down the valley. Then the farmers and the ranchers hated the Salinas Valley. Some families would sell out for nearly nothing and move away. During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

The first people who lived in the Salinas Valley were the Indians. They lived on insects, nuts, and shellfish. Then came the soldiers and priests sent by the King of Spain. They explored the land greedily for gold and souls. They made maps and named everything they saw. Buena Vista was a beautiful view, Laguna Seca was a dry lake, and Salinas was white like salt.

After that came the Americans, even greedier because there were more of them. They occupied the valley land first, then moved into the foothills. Soon there were wooden farmhouses and growing families wherever there was water. The farmers planted square fields of corn and wheat, and long lines of trees to protect the topsoil from the wind. The trails between the farms became roads. Stores and workshops opened along the roads, and little towns grew up around them — Bradley, King City, Greenfield. And this is the way the Salinas Valley was when my grandfather brought his wife and settled in the foothills east of King City. I must depend on stories, old photographs, and memories to tell you the story of the Hamiltons.

Young Samuel Hamilton and his wife came from the north of Ireland in around 1870. He was the son of small farmers, not rich but not poor. They were well-educated and well-read, and they were related to great families as well as humble ones.

I do not know why Samuel left that green land. He was not a political man, so he surely was not a rebel. He was perfectly honest, so it was not the police. In my family, they whispered that he loved a woman who was not his wife.

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For question сhoose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).
‘Green land’ here means...
  1. Ireland.
  2. The Salinas Valley.
  3. fields of grass.
  4. the foothills.

10. Задание#T27264

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1)Meteorologists (DIVIDE)________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2)Not all of them make shapes – some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE)________ any clear edges to them. (3)But the most distinct (BE)________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4)They often look like elephants. (5)This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6)After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD)________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE)________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW)________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7)This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE)________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

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Преобразуйте слово (DIVIDE) в предложении (1) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов и знаков препинания.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

11. Задание#T27265

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE) ________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes — some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE) ________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE) ________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD) ________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE) ________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW) ________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE) ________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (HAVE) в предложении (2) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

12. Задание#T27266

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE) ________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes — some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE) ________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE) ________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD) ________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE) ________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW) ________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE) ________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (BE) в предложении (3) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

13. Задание#T27267

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE)________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes – some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE)________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE)________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD)________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE)________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW)________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE)________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (CLOUD) в предложении (6) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

14. Задание#T27268

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE)________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes - some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE)________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE)________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD)________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE)________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW)________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE)________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (LEAVE) в предложении (6) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

15. Задание#T27269

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE) ________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes — some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE) ________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE) ________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD) ________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE) ________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW) ________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE) ________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (BLOW) в предложении (6) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

16. Задание#T27270

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in the correct form.

Why do clouds make shapes?

(1) Meteorologists (DIVIDE) ________ the infinite varieties of cloud formation into ten basic types.

(2) Not all of them make shapes — some are just too blurry and indistinct (HAVE) ________ any clear edges to them. (3) But the most distinct (BE) ________ the sharp-edged "cumulus" clouds, which are the fluffy cottonwool tufts you see on a sunny day. (4) They often look like elephants. (5) This is because they can develop vertical towers, borne on rising columns of air (thermals).

(6) After about ten minutes, the (CLOUD) ________ droplets start to evaporate at the sides, (LEAVE) ________ a central trunk that curls upwards as it (BLOW) ________ along in the wind and looks like the trunk of an elephant.

(7) This might be why ancient Hindus and Buddhists believed elephants (BE) ________ the spiritual cousins of clouds.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (BE) в предложении (7) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

17. Задание#T27271

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

A failure of a clever trick

(1) One day a very (WEALTH) ________ American, Hiram Buston, came to Lacasso, a poor painter, and said that he had bought secretly, a (VALUE) ________ 16th century ‘old master’. (2) He said, “I know the English (GOVERN) ________ won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. (3) I want you to paint a picture — it doesn't matter what it is — on top of the 'old master’. (4) ” Hiram then explained that he could (EASY) ________ get Lacasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without (DAMAGE) ________ what was underneath. (5) Well, Lacasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Buston got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Lacasso’s (PAINT) ________ removed. (6) About a week later he got an e-mail from the firm. (7) It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. (8) When do you want us to stop?"

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (WEALTH) в предложении (1) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

18. Задание#T27272

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

A failure of a clever trick

(1) One day a very (WEALTH)________ American, Hiram Buston, came to Lacasso, a poor painter, and said that he had bought secretly, a (VALUE)________ 16th century ‘old master’. (2) He said, “I know the English (GOVERN)________ won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. (3)I want you to paint a picture – it doesn't matter what it is – on top of the 'old master’.” (4) Hiram then explained that he could (EASY)________ get Lacasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without (DAMAGE)________ what was underneath. (5) Well, Lacasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Buston got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Lacasso’s (PAINT)________ removed. (6) About a week later he got an e-mail from the firm. (7) It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. (8) When do you want us to stop?"

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (VALUE) в предложении (1) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

19. Задание#T27273

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

A failure of a clever trick

(1) One day a very (WEALTH)________ American, Hiram Buston, came to Lacasso, a poor painter, and said that he had bought secretly, a (VALUE)________ 16th century ‘old master’. (2) He said, “I know the English (GOVERN)________ won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. (3) I want you to paint a picture – it doesn't matter what it is – on top of the 'old master’.” (4) Hiram then explained that he could (EASY)________ get Lacasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without (DAMAGE)________ what was underneath. (5) Well, Lacasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Buston got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Lacasso’s (PAINT)________ removed. (6) About a week later he got an e-mail from the firm. (7) It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. (8) When do you want us to stop?"

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (GOVERN) в предложении (2) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

20. Задание#T27274

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

A failure of a clever trick

(1) One day a very (WEALTH)________ American, Hiram Buston, came to Lacasso, a poor painter, and said that he had bought secretly, a (VALUE)________ 16th century ‘old master’. (2) He said, “I know the English (GOVERN)________ won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. (3)I want you to paint a picture – it doesn't matter what it is – on top of the 'old master’.” (4) Hiram then explained that he could (EASY)________ get Lacasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without (DAMAGE)________ what was underneath. (5) Well, Lacasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Buston got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Lacasso’s (PAINT)________ removed. (6) About a week later he got an e-mail from the firm. (7) It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. (8) When do you want us to stop?"

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (EASY) в предложении (4) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

21. Задание#T27275

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

A failure of a clever trick

(1) One day a very (WEALTH) ________ American, Hiram Buston, came to Lacasso, a poor painter, and said that he had bought secretly, a (VALUE) ________ 16th century ‘old master’. (2) He said, “I know the English (GOVERN) ________ won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. (3) I want you to paint a picture — it doesn't matter what it is — on top of the 'old master’. (4) ” Hiram then explained that he could (EASY) ________ get Lacasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without (DAMAGE) ________ what was underneath. (5) Well, Lacasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Buston got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Lacasso’s (PAINT) ________ removed. (6) About a week later he got an e-mail from the firm. (7) It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. (8) When do you want us to stop?"

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (DAMAGE) в предложении (4) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

22. Задание#T27276

Read the text below. Change the word given in capitals in such a way that it fits the text best.

A failure of a clever trick

(1)One day a very (WEALTH)________ American, Hiram Buston, came to Lacasso, a poor painter, and said that he had bought secretly, a (VALUE)________ 16th century ‘old master’. (2)He said, “I know the English (GOVERN)________ won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a plan to get round that. (3)I want you to paint a picture – it doesn't matter what it is – on top of the 'old master’.” (4)Hiram then explained that he could (EASY)________ get Lacasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without (DAMAGE)________ what was underneath. (5)Well, Lacasso painted a picture of a London gas-works on it, and old Buston got the canvas to New York all right and sent it to the firm he knew to have Lacasso’s (PAINT)________ removed. (6)About a week later he got an e-mail from the firm. (7)It said: "We have removed the picture of London gas-works, also 'old master', and are now down to a portrait of Queen Victoria. (8)When do you want us to stop?"

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слово (PAINT) в предложении (5) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов и знаков препинания.
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

23. Задание#T27277

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. That was Heidi. Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, которое пропущено в тексте рядом с буквой A.
  1. united
  2. combined
  3. shared
  4. joined
Запишите в поле ответа цифру, соответствующую выбранному варианту.

24. Задание#T27278

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


(1) The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. (2) Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. (3) They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. (4) Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

(5) But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. (6) The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. (7) Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. (8) “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. (9) That was Heidi. (10) Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

(11) Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. (12) Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. (13) The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью
They (B) ________ writing and singing and...
  1. opened
  2. disclosed
  3. revealed
  4. discovered

25. Задание#T27279

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. That was Heidi. Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов слово, пропущенное в тексте рядом с буквой C.
  1. took
  2. brought
  3. got
  4. wrote
Это задание взято из Яндекс.ЕГЭ

26. Задание#T27280

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


(1) The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. (2) Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. (3) They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. (4) Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

(5) But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. (6) The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. (7) Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. (8) “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. (9) That was Heidi. (10) Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

(11) Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. (12) Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. (13) The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью

Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

  1. demonstrated
  2. released
  3. published
  4. displayed

27. Задание#T27281

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


(1) The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. (2) Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. (3) They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. (4) Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

(5) But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. (6) The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. (7) Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. (8) “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. (9) That was Heidi. (10) Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

(11) Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. (12) Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. (13) The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью

But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________.

  1. says
  2. proclaims
  3. goes
  4. sounds

28. Задание#T27282

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


(1) The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. (2) Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. (3) They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. (4) Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

(5) But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. (6) The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. (7) Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. (8) “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. (9) That was Heidi. (10) Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

(11) Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. (12) Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. (13) The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью

Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F) ________ in.

  1. fitted
  2. matched
  3. suited
  4. got

29. Задание#T27283

Read the text below. For question choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4).


(1) The story of the Sugababes starts with two self-confident eight-year-old friends from London who (A)________ a hatred of maths but loved singing along to the radio. (2) Mutya and Keisha then met Siobhan who joined their “gang”. (3) They (B)________ writing and singing and at fourteen the group (C)________ their first record deal. (4) Just two years later, when their classmates were studying for their exams, the girls (D)________ their first album, the incredibly cool One Touch.

(5) But it wasn’t as easy as it (E)________. (6) The album didn’t get publicity and Siobhan decided to leave the group. (7) Keisha and Mutya advertised for another girl but did not want to mention the group name. (8) “We wanted someone who could sing and had her own ideas,” they said. (9) That was Heidi. (10) Heidi used to be in the girlband Atomic Kitten but she left because she never quite (F)________ in.

(11) Heidi was desperate to sing live in concerts and do her own writing — and she soon realised that she would never be able to do this in a “manufactured” band. (12) Her love of urban music made her the perfect Sugababe. (13) The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

Показать полностью

The three became friends as soon as they met and (G)________ to write and record the huge Angels with Dirty Faces album.

  1. went down
  2. went off
  3. went on
  4. went up
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