Smart playlists

You can find smart playlists in the Main section under Compiled based on your preferences. They are compiled using machine learning: Yandex Music determines what music and podcasts you like to listen to, what movies and shows you watch, and uses this information to compile playlists for you. These playlists are unique for each user.

Smart playlists are updated automatically. When a playlist is updated, the icon appears next to its name.

To start getting personalized smart playlists, log in and start listening to music.

  1. Types of smart playlists
  2. Smart playlist actions
  3. Your name in smart playlists
  4. Setting up smart playlists
  5. Access to smart playlists
  6. Recover a smart playlist
  7. Something's wrong with smart playlists

Types of smart playlists

Title When it appears Type of tracks Scheduled updates

Playlist of the Day

If you listen to a playlist for several days in a row, the number of days is shown in the counter on the playlist cover.

Almost immediately after you start listening to music and adding tracks to your music library.

Contains tracks based on your preferences

Every day

Playlist With Alice
Note. You can only listen to the playlist if you are in Russia, Belarus, or Kazakhstan.
After you add several artists to your library or listen to more than 20 tracks Contains tracks based on your preferences and fun commentary and facts from Alice Every Monday


Appears after 1–2 weeks of active music listening and adding tracks to your music library

New music that you might like

Every Friday

Déjà vu

Appears after 3–4 weeks of active music listening and adding tracks to your music library

Contains tracks from the Yandex Music catalog that you haven't listened to yet

Every Thursday

Secret Stash

When there are a lot of tracks in your music library that you haven't listened to in a while

Music from your library that you haven't listened to in a while

Every Tuesday

Podcasts Weekly Almost immediately after you start listening to podcasts and adding them to your library New episodes of your favorite podcasts and podcasts that you might like Every Wednesday
Movie Playlist
Note. Tracks from children's cartoons and animated shows aren't added to the Movie Playlist.
When you watch several movies and shows on KinoPoisk, submit a good rating to a movie on KinoPoisk or in Yandex, or buy movie tickets on KinoPoisk Tracks from movies and shows you have recently watched or rated Every day, if there are new views or ratings
Family playlist When at least two members from your family subscription listen to around 30-40 tracks or add several artists to the music library
Note. The playlist will not appear if public access to the music library is disabled for you or other subscription members.
Tracks selected for all members of the family subscription Every Saturday

Kids' Playlist

When you listen to at least 10 kids' tracks

The most popular children's tracks for the last 6 months

Every Saturday

Smart playlist actions

Add to Collection

If you tap the icon in a smart playlist, the playlist will be added to your collection. It will still be periodically updated. To save the current track list, add the smart playlist to the list you created.


To share a playlist, enable public access to your music library.

  1. In the upper-right corner, click My collection.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Go to the Other tab.
  4. Scroll down and enable Public access to my music library.
Download to your phone
In the Yandex Music mobile app, click Download on the smart playlist page.

Your name in smart playlists

Your name is added to the description of each smart playlist, so that you can differentiate between playlists that were picked for you and playlists that your friends shared with you.

To display a different username or a name other than your username in your smart playlist:

  1. Go to Yandex ID.
  2. Hover the cursor over the field Name in comments and reviews (in the center of the screen).
  3. Tap the icon that appears.
  4. Select the desired name from the list. If there are no matching names, select Other and enter the name manually.
  5. Save the changes.

Setting up smart playlists

Playlists change according to your preferences. To make the algorithms more accurate in selecting tracks for your smart playlists, follow our tips:

Listen to music and podcasts and add what you like to your music library

The contents of smart playlists depend on the tracks and podcasts you listened to or marked with the icon. The more music and podcasts you listen to, the more accurate your recommendations are.

Block tracks, artists, and podcasts that you don't like

If you don't want a track to appear in your smart playlists, click the icon in the track row or on the player panel when listening to it.

To prevent the system from recommending an artist to you, go to that artist's page and click . You can easily reverse this ban: find the necessary track or artist and click the block button again.

Specify your favorite genres and artists
  1. Click on your account portrait in the upper-right corner of the page and select Settings.
  2. On the Account tab, go to the Music preferences section and tap the Refine button.
  3. Select your favorite genres. If you no longer like a genre you previously added to your favorites, tap on the genre icon.
  4. Tap the Next button.
  5. Select your favorite artists. Popular artists and your favorites from the genres you selected are displayed on the page. To remove an artist from your recommendations, tap the icon.

Access to smart playlists

By default, smart playlists (except the Family playlist) are only available to you.

  1. Share a smart playlist
  2. Set up Family playlist privacy

Share a smart playlist

If you share a playlist with another user, they can:

  • Listen to your smart playlist.
  • Add your smart playlist to their favorite playlists.
  • Add tracks from your smart playlist to their music library.
  • Share your smart playlist and the tracks in it.

A smart playlist is updated for everyone who has access to it.

To share a smart playlist:

  1. Enable public access to your music library.
    1. In the upper-right corner, click My collection.
    2. Select Settings.
    3. Go to the Other tab.
    4. Scroll down and enable Public access to my music library.

    Public access means your playlists will be available in search results.

  2. Open the page with smart playlists.
  3. Hover the cursor over the playlist and click .
  4. Choose how you want to share your playlist.

Set up Family playlist privacy

If you don't want your Family playlist to be based on your music tastes, turn off public access to your music library. However, this means the Family playlist won't be put together for you anymore.

How to turn off public access to your music library
  1. In the upper-right corner, click My collection.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Go to the Other tab.
  4. Scroll down and turn off Public access to my music library.

Recover a smart playlist

After a smart playlist is updated, you can't listen to it again. To add tracks from a smart playlist to your music library, mark them with the icon while you are listening.

If you don't have time to save a track you like before the smart playlist is updated:

  1. You can find the track in the playback history.
  2. Tap on the track.

Something's wrong with smart playlists

Which smart playlist did the problem occur in?

What's the problem?

  • Listen to at least 20 more tracks.
  • Add several tracks to your music library.
  • Add several artists to your music library.
  • Wait for the next day.
Smart playlists contain tracks, albums, playlists, and artists you might like. If you found an error in the recommended tracks, let us know about it via the form below.

Note. Playlist With Alice is available only in Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

If there's no playlist:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the mobile app.
  • Listen to at least 20 tracks.
  • Add several artists to your music library.
  • If you installed the app today, wait for tomorrow.

What's the problem?

Continue listening to music and adding tracks and artists to your music library by marking them with the icon.

Smart playlists contain tracks, albums, playlists, and artists you might like. If you found an error in the recommended tracks, let us know about it via the form below.

What's the problem?

Continue listening to music and adding tracks and artists to your music library by marking them with the icon.

Smart playlists contain tracks, albums, playlists, and artists you might like. If you found an error in the recommended tracks, let us know about it via the form below.

What's the problem?

Continue listening to music and adding tracks and artists to your music library by marking them with the icon.

Smart playlists contain tracks, albums, playlists, and artists you might like. If you found an error in the recommended tracks, let us know about it via the form below.

What's the problem?

If there's no playlist:

  • Listen to a few more podcasts.
  • Add several podcasts to your music library.
  • Wait for next Wednesday.
Smart playlists contain tracks and podcasts you might like. If you find an error in the recommended tracks and podcasts, let us know about it via the form below.

If there's no playlist:

  • Make sure you are listening to music from the same account that you use when watching movies.
  • Watch and rate a few more movies or shows.

If there's no playlist:

  • Make sure you have a Yandex Plus Family subscription.
  • Make sure that at least two members of your subscription listened to around 30-40 tracks or liked several artists, and that public access to their music library is turned on. Ask to be certain.
  • Make sure that access to your music library is also turned on.
  • If you followed the steps described above, wait for next Saturday, and the playlist will appear.

What's the problem?

Continue listening to children's music and adding tracks and artists to your music library by marking them with the icon.

The Children's Playlist includes songs you listened to earlier. If you found an error in the recommended tracks, a children's track has been recognized with an error, or you think that a popular children's track is missing from your playlist, let us know about it using the form below.