Call goals

  1. Creating a goal manually
  2. Which calls can be tracked
  3. Restrictions

If you transmit call data to Yandex Metrica, you can use special goals to more flexibly configure advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct and track statistics in Yandex Metrica.

When data is transmitted for the first time, several types of goals are automatically created in Yandex Metrica within 24 hours:
  • Call — counts any calls, including missed calls. The name and description of the goal can be whatever you like if the data is transmitted via the Yandex Metrica API.
  • Target Call — tracks calls in which the conversation lasted longer than 30 seconds.
  • Unique Call — for tracking first-time calls.
  • Unique Target Call — for tracking first-time calls with a duration longer than 30 seconds.
Creating goals depending on the method of transmitting information
Goal type / Data transfer method Call tracking services Yandex Metrica API
Target Call
Unique call
Unique target call

You can edit the names of goals or delete them from the list in Yandex Metrica at any time.

Note. After automatically created call goals are deleted, the “Call” goal reappears when call data is next transmitted. The other goals will not be created. You can add them manually.

If you want to apply a different conversation duration to track Target and Unique Target Calls, you can create this goal manually.

To view goal statistics, use the Conversions report and add the goal to other Yandex Metrica reports. The data is displayed in reports after a user makes a call and the information is received by Yandex Metrica — within 24 hours.

Creating a goal manually

To track calls with criteria other than those set by Yandex Metrica, you can create the desired goals yourself. For example, you can create a goal to track a call that is: a first-time call, duration less than 1 minute, with a “test” tag. To create a goal:
  1. In Yandex Metrica, go to the Goals page in the left menu.
  2. Click Add goal.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the goal to create.
  4. Select the goal type Calls.
  5. Select the condition for matching the value:
    • “matches”. Specify the tag in full, for example test-call.
    • “contains”. Specify a part of the tag, for example call. Use this method if there are several similar tags and you need to track all such calls.
    • “starts with”. Specify the beginning of the tag value, for example test-.
    • “regular value”. Used to track tags corresponding to custom templates.
  6. Click Add goal. The created goal will appear in the list of goals. Yandex Metrica will start collecting statistics on it within a few minutes.

Which calls can be tracked

You can track several types of calls in Yandex Metrica:

  • First-time calls — select theFirst-time type.
  • Calls from people who have already called you — Repeated.
  • Calls that were answered by your operators — Answered.
  • Calls that went unanswered — Missed.
  • Calls with a tag. If necessary, in the Tag field you can specify a value that can be used to provide more detail on the quality of a call or its result, among other things. For example, “price didn't suit client”. Make sure that the case and spelling of the tag match the case and spelling used in the call tracking system or when transmitting data via the API. Within one goal, correspondence with one tag is taken into account.
  • Calls of a certain duration. You can specify the duration that you consider important for your business tasks. For example, 30 seconds. The duration can be specified for all types of calls listed above.


  • This type of goal can't be used in Multi-step goals.
  • A maximum of 200 goals can be set for each tag.
  • The service registers a user that completes the same goal on the same tag no more than once per second.
  • During a single user session, the service can register up to 1000 completions of offline goals created for a tag.
  • If you edit a tag or goal, previously collected information doesn't change.
  • If you delete a goal, information collected for it, is no longer available in reports.

Select a question to find a solution.

Goals in Yandex Metrica work the same way for any source. Perhaps there aren't any users who have completed the goal from this source yet.

This might happen for the following reasons:
  • The goal condition in Yandex Metrica doesn't cover all the possibilities. For example, the goal is set as going to the order confirmation page, but the site also allows instant checkout without visiting this page.
  • The site user has a browser plugin that blocks the Yandex Metrica tag, so this user isn't counted.
  • The user has an antivirus system with strict privacy settings.
  • The user has a slow internet connection, so the Yandex Metrica tag didn't load on the target page.