How Yandex Metrica detects the traffic source

Incoming traffic sources are detected via the referrer (the HTTP Referer header) and tags. If you need to replace the referrer with your own, use the utm_referrer parameter.

Yandex Metrica uses a tag to detect traffic sources if the tag is included in the data for the first pageview during a user session. If there isn't a tag in the first pageview, the traffic source is detected from the referrer.

For example, a user clicked through to the site from a browser bookmark (the first pageview). Then the user left the site, but came back within 30 minutes by clicking a link with a tag in an email (the second pageview during the session). This session would be considered direct traffic to the site.

Traffic source How it is detected Default report

Direct traffic

Cached page traffic

Internal traffic


"Sources, summary" report

Recommendation system traffic Referrer and UTM tags. Complete data is collected only if you create UTM tags correctly.

"Recommendation systems" report

Search engine traffic

Link traffic

Traffic from social networks

Referrer and UTM tags

"Sites" report

"Social networks" report

"Search engines" report

"UTM tags" report

Other social media: identified by tags UTM tags. Conditions that determine the data source.

"Social networks" report

"UTM tags" report

Yandex Direct traffic Conditions for linking a tag to a Yandex Direct campaign

"Yandex Direct, summary" report

"Yandex Direct, sites" report

"Yandex Direct, costs" report

Traffic from other ad systems Referrer and tags. Complete data is collected only if you create UTM and Openstat tags correctly.

"Ad systems" report

"UTM tags" report

"Openstat tags" report

Other advertising: identified by tags

UTM tags. Conditions that determine the data source.

"Ad systems" report

"UTM tags" report

Messenger traffic

Referrer and UTM tags. Complete data is collected only if you create UTM tags correctly.

"Messengers" report

"UTM tags" report

Mailing traffic

UTM tags, Openstat, From. Learn more about proper tag creation.

"UTM tags" report

"Openstat tags" report

"From tags" report

Click-throughs via QR codes

UTM tags. Learn more about proper tag creation.

"Sources, summary" report

"UTM tags" report