List of exported data fields: hits (pageviews)
Field | Type | Description |
WatchID | UInt64 | Hit ID |
pageViewID | UInt32 | ID of the pageview in which the event occurred |
HitVersion | UInt32 | Version of the hit |
Sign | Int8 | Indicator of the recording status in the incremental log |
EventDate | Date | Date of the hit |
UTCEventTime | DateTime | Date and time in UTC format |
Title | String | Page titles |
CounterID | UInt32 | ID of the tag |
ClientIP | UInt32 | IPv4 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
ClientIP6 | FixedString(16) | IPv6 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
RegionID | UInt32 | ID of the user's region |
OS | UInt8 | ID of the user's operating system (detailed) |
UserAgent | UInt8 | ID of the user's browser |
URL | String | Page URL |
Referer | String | Referrer |
ResolutionWidth | UInt16 | Screen width |
ResolutionHeight | UInt16 | Screen height |
ResolutionDepth | UInt8 | Resolution depth |
UserAgentMajor | UInt16 | Major version number of the browser |
CookieEnable | UInt8 | Whether cookies are enabled |
JavascriptEnable | UInt8 | Whether JavaScript is enabled |
IsMobile | UInt8 | Whether the hit originated from a desktop browser or mobile browser |
IsTablet | UInt8 | Whether the hit originated from a tablet |
MobilePhoneModel | String | Full name of the mobile phone model |
TraficSourceID | Int8 | Traffic source ID |
SearchEngineID | UInt16 | Search engine ID (detailed) |
AdvEngineID | UInt8 | Ad system ID |
Experiment.SystemID | Array(Integer) | Array of variant IDs for Varioqub experiments The variants are linked to visits of the users included in the sample. Consider only positive values. Negative values are technical. |
IsArtifical | UInt8 | Artificial hit made by hit(), event(), or other functions. |
WindowClientWidth | UInt16 | Client window width |
WindowClientHeight | UInt16 | Client window height |
ClientTimeZone | Int16 | Time zone on the client |
PageCharset | String | Page encoding |
IsLink | UInt8 | Whether the hit is a link click |
IsDownload | UInt8 | Whether the hit is a file download |
IsNotBounce | UInt8 | Special non-bounce event for accurate bounce rate calculation |
IsParameter | UInt8 | Whether the hit has a parameter |
BrowserLanguage | FixedString(2) | Language selected in the browser settings |
BrowserCountry | FixedString(2) | Country selected in the browser settings |
HTTPError | UInt16 | Error code |
SocialSourceNetworkID | UInt8 | ID of the social network the click came from |
SocialSourceNetworkStrID | String | String ID of the social network the click came from |
SocialSourcePage | String | Social network page the click came from |
GoalsReached | Array(UInt32) | IDs of the completed goals |
OpenstatServiceName | String | Name of the openstat tag, site |
OpenstatCampaignID | String | ID of the openstat campaign |
OpenstatAdID | String | ID of the openstat ad |
OpenstatSourceID | String | Type of the openstat ad |
UTMSource | String | Name of the UTM tag, site |
UTMMedium | String | UTM ad type |
UTMCampaign | String | Name of the UTM ad campaign |
UTMContent | String | Additional UTM details |
UTMTerm | String | UTM keyword |
FromTag | String | from value obtained from the URL |
HasGCLID | UInt8 | Whether the adWords tag (Google Click ID) is present |
GCLID | String | adWords tag (Google Click ID) |
CLID | UInt32 | URL clid parameter |
ShareService | String | “Share” button, service name |
ShareURL | String | “Share” button, URL |
ShareTitle | String | “Share” button, page title |
ecommerce | String | E-commerce events |
params | String | Parameters |
ParsedParams.Key1 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 1 |
ParsedParams.Key2 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 2 |
ParsedParams.Key3 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 3 |
ParsedParams.Key4 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 4 |
ParsedParams.Key5 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 5 |
ParsedParams.Key6 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 6 |
ParsedParams.Key7 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 7 |
ParsedParams.Key8 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 8 |
ParsedParams.Key9 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 9 |
ParsedParams.Key10 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 10 |
ParsedParams.Quantity | Array(UInt32) | Number of parameters |
DevicePixelRatio | Float32 | Pixel ratio |
BrowserEngineID | UInt8 | Browser engine ID |
BrowserEngineVersion1 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion2 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion3 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion4 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
IsTV | UInt8 | Whether the session is from a TV |
DirectCLID | UInt64 | Yandex Direct ad click ID. YCLID |
IsIFrame | UInt8 | Whether the hit originated from an iframe |
FirstPartyCookie | UInt64 | Domain cookie |
MobilePhoneVendor | UInt16 | Mobile phone vendor |
OriginalURL | String | Full URL if the URL was truncated |
NetworkType | UInt8 | Connection type ID |
UserAgentVersion2 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 2 |
UserAgentVersion3 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 3 |
UserAgentVersion4 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 4 |
RecommendationSystemID | UInt8 | Recommendation system ID |
MessengerID | UInt8 | Messenger ID |
OSFamily | String | Operating system family |
OSName | String | Operating system name |
YQRID | String | Unique tag added by the Yandex QR generator |
QRCodeProviderID | UInt16 | ID of the QR code provider |
IsPageView | UInt8 | Whether the hit is a pageview |
OSStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system (detailed) |
OSRoot | UInt8 | ID of the user's operating system group |
OSRootStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system group |
UserAgentStr | String | String ID of the user's browser |
TrafficSourceStrID | String | String ID of the traffic source |
SearchEngineStrID | String | String ID of the search engine (detailed) |
SearchEngineRootID | UInt16 | Search engine ID |
SearchEngineRootStrID | String | String ID of the search engine |
AdvEngineStrID | String | String ID of the ad system |
BrowserEngineStrID | String | String ID of the browser engine |
MobilePhoneVendorStr | String | String ID of the mobile phone |
NetworkTypeStr | String | String ID of the network connection type |
RecommendationSystemStrID | String | String ID of the recommendation system |
MessengerStrID | String | String ID of the messenger |
QRCodeProviderStrID | String | String ID of the QR code provider |
CounterUserIDHash | UInt64 | User ID that is unique per tag, even if the tag is installed on different domains |
Field | Type | Description |
WatchID | UInt64 | Hit ID |
pageViewID | UInt32 | ID of the pageview in which the event occurred |
HitVersion | UInt32 | Version of the hit |
Sign | Int8 | Indicator of the recording status in the incremental log |
EventDate | Date | Date of the hit |
UTCEventTime | DateTime | Date and time in UTC format |
Title | String | Page titles |
CounterID | UInt32 | ID of the tag |
ClientIP | UInt32 | IPv4 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
ClientIP6 | FixedString(16) | IPv6 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
RegionID | UInt32 | ID of the user's region |
OS | UInt8 | ID of the user's operating system (detailed) |
UserAgent | UInt8 | ID of the user's browser |
URL | String | Page URL |
Referer | String | Referrer |
ResolutionWidth | UInt16 | Screen width |
ResolutionHeight | UInt16 | Screen height |
ResolutionDepth | UInt8 | Resolution depth |
UserAgentMajor | UInt16 | Major version number of the browser |
CookieEnable | UInt8 | Whether cookies are enabled |
JavascriptEnable | UInt8 | Whether JavaScript is enabled |
IsMobile | UInt8 | Whether the hit originated from a desktop browser or mobile browser |
IsTablet | UInt8 | Whether the hit originated from a tablet |
MobilePhoneModel | String | Full name of the mobile phone model |
TraficSourceID | Int8 | Traffic source ID |
SearchEngineID | UInt16 | Search engine ID (detailed) |
AdvEngineID | UInt8 | Ad system ID |
Experiment.SystemID | Array(Integer) | Array of variant IDs for Varioqub experiments The variants are linked to visits of the users included in the sample. Consider only positive values. Negative values are technical. |
IsArtifical | UInt8 | Artificial hit made by hit(), event(), or other functions. |
WindowClientWidth | UInt16 | Client window width |
WindowClientHeight | UInt16 | Client window height |
ClientTimeZone | Int16 | Time zone on the client |
PageCharset | String | Page encoding |
IsLink | UInt8 | Whether the hit is a link click |
IsDownload | UInt8 | Whether the hit is a file download |
IsNotBounce | UInt8 | Special non-bounce event for accurate bounce rate calculation |
IsParameter | UInt8 | Whether the hit has a parameter |
BrowserLanguage | FixedString(2) | Language selected in the browser settings |
BrowserCountry | FixedString(2) | Country selected in the browser settings |
HTTPError | UInt16 | Error code |
SocialSourceNetworkID | UInt8 | ID of the social network the click came from |
SocialSourceNetworkStrID | String | String ID of the social network the click came from |
SocialSourcePage | String | Social network page the click came from |
GoalsReached | Array(UInt32) | IDs of the completed goals |
OpenstatServiceName | String | Name of the openstat tag, site |
OpenstatCampaignID | String | ID of the openstat campaign |
OpenstatAdID | String | ID of the openstat ad |
OpenstatSourceID | String | Type of the openstat ad |
UTMSource | String | Name of the UTM tag, site |
UTMMedium | String | UTM ad type |
UTMCampaign | String | Name of the UTM ad campaign |
UTMContent | String | Additional UTM details |
UTMTerm | String | UTM keyword |
FromTag | String | from value obtained from the URL |
HasGCLID | UInt8 | Whether the adWords tag (Google Click ID) is present |
GCLID | String | adWords tag (Google Click ID) |
CLID | UInt32 | URL clid parameter |
ShareService | String | “Share” button, service name |
ShareURL | String | “Share” button, URL |
ShareTitle | String | “Share” button, page title |
ecommerce | String | E-commerce events |
params | String | Parameters |
ParsedParams.Key1 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 1 |
ParsedParams.Key2 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 2 |
ParsedParams.Key3 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 3 |
ParsedParams.Key4 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 4 |
ParsedParams.Key5 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 5 |
ParsedParams.Key6 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 6 |
ParsedParams.Key7 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 7 |
ParsedParams.Key8 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 8 |
ParsedParams.Key9 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 9 |
ParsedParams.Key10 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 10 |
ParsedParams.Quantity | Array(UInt32) | Number of parameters |
DevicePixelRatio | Float32 | Pixel ratio |
BrowserEngineID | UInt8 | Browser engine ID |
BrowserEngineVersion1 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion2 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion3 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion4 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
IsTV | UInt8 | Whether the session is from a TV |
DirectCLID | UInt64 | Yandex Direct ad click ID. YCLID |
IsIFrame | UInt8 | Whether the hit originated from an iframe |
FirstPartyCookie | UInt64 | Domain cookie |
MobilePhoneVendor | UInt16 | Mobile phone vendor |
OriginalURL | String | Full URL if the URL was truncated |
NetworkType | UInt8 | Connection type ID |
UserAgentVersion2 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 2 |
UserAgentVersion3 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 3 |
UserAgentVersion4 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 4 |
RecommendationSystemID | UInt8 | Recommendation system ID |
MessengerID | UInt8 | Messenger ID |
OSFamily | String | Operating system family |
OSName | String | Operating system name |
YQRID | String | Unique tag added by the Yandex QR generator |
QRCodeProviderID | UInt16 | ID of the QR code provider |
IsPageView | UInt8 | Whether the hit is a pageview |
OSStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system (detailed) |
OSRoot | UInt8 | ID of the user's operating system group |
OSRootStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system group |
UserAgentStr | String | String ID of the user's browser |
TrafficSourceStrID | String | String ID of the traffic source |
SearchEngineStrID | String | String ID of the search engine (detailed) |
SearchEngineRootID | UInt16 | Search engine ID |
SearchEngineRootStrID | String | String ID of the search engine |
AdvEngineStrID | String | String ID of the ad system |
BrowserEngineStrID | String | String ID of the browser engine |
MobilePhoneVendorStr | String | String ID of the mobile phone |
NetworkTypeStr | String | String ID of the network connection type |
RecommendationSystemStrID | String | String ID of the recommendation system |
MessengerStrID | String | String ID of the messenger |
QRCodeProviderStrID | String | String ID of the QR code provider |
CounterUserIDHash | UInt64 | User ID that is unique per tag, even if the tag is installed on different domains |