Uploading and verifying your price list

Note. Here and further in this section the names of elements in the Russian-language version of the store account and their exact translations into English are shown. Interface texts are translated automatically when switching to the English version, so they change from time to time and may not match the translated names on this page.

In your store account, on the page Ассортимент → Прайс-лист (“Assortment → Price list”), you can:

  • Check a new price list for errors, without updating it on Yandex.Market or publishing offers from it.

  • Update and save the price list on Yandex.Market to publish new offers or new information about the old offers on the service.

  • Add one or more price lists.

Uploading a new price list

  1. Go to the page Ассортимент → Прайс-лист (“Assortment → Price list”) and click Добавить прайс-лист (“Add price list”).

  2. The window Добавление прайс-листа (“Add a price list”) will open. Select Ссылка (“Link”).

  3. Enter the file URL in the field Прямая ссылка на файл (“Direct link to file”).

  4. Click Проверить прайс-лист (“Check price list”).

Wait until the price list upload completes and it gets verified. The verification may take several minutes.


The service uploads small price lists faster and can process multiple price lists simultaneously. To download several price lists, on the page Ассортимент → Прайс-лист (“Assortment → Price list”) click Добавить прайс-лист (“Add price list”).

Results of price list verification

After uploading the data to the Yandex.Market database, the page will display a report on errors, if any.

  • Critical price list errors — A price list with this type of error can't be published on Yandex.Market. The specified errors must be corrected.

  • General price list errors — There are errors at the shop element level. The price list can be published on Yandex.Market, but all offers in it may contain inaccuracies. We recommend fixing the errors, as the inaccuracies in the offers may lead to irrelevant clicks.

  • Errors in offers — Offers with the specified errors can't be published on Yandex.Market. Check and correct the errors in all the offers.

  • Warnings in offers — Offers with the specified errors can be published on Yandex.Market, but with inaccuracies. We recommend checking and fixing these errors in all the offers before publishing them to make sure clicks on them are relevant.

  • Recommendations — Tips for improving the price list. By following these tips, you can improve the placement efficiency (number of clicks) on Yandex.Market.

Note. You can save a price list verification report in CSV format by clicking Скачать отчет об ошибках (“Download error report”).

Completing verification and publishing offers

If your price list contains at least 10% of the offers without errors, these offers can be published on Yandex.Market. You can correct the remaining offers later on and upload the price list again. If more than 10% of your offers contain errors, you won't be able to publish the price list.

If you placed your store on Yandex.Market before August 7, 2018

The old rules apply to such stores: the price list is validated if at least 50% of its offers are made without errors. To lower this threshold, contact the Support service or your account manager.

Completing verification without publishing offers on Yandex.Market

Click Не добавлять (“Do not add”)if you:

  • Only planned to verify the price list.

  • Don't want the data from this price list to be stored in the Yandex.Market database and get published.

Completing verification with publishing offers on Yandex.Market

If you want the correct offers to be stored in the Yandex.Market database and get published on the service, click Добавить прайс-лист (“Add price list”).

Rules for publishing a price list

By link
  1. The file must be accessible via HTTP or HTTPS.

  2. The file can be located not only on the store's website but also at a separate URL. The URL can be Cyrillic. In this case, the file must be accessible via HTTP.

  3. The file should be uploaded by the Yandex.Market bot within 150 seconds from the moment it accesses the link. This is why we recommend that you regularly update the file when certain events occur (for example, each time that your store database is updated).

  4. The file can be archived with a .zip or .gz (GNU ZIP compression) extension.

  5. The maximum file size before compression (archiving) is 500 MB. If the size exceeds this amount, divide it into several price lists.

Upload in your store account

The maximum file size is 100 MB.