All elements included in offer in the simplified type. YML and CSV formats

Information about formats

YML: this section describes all the elements of a single offer (offer). Description of higher-level elements (offers, shop and other) can be found in the section YML format.

CSV: this section describes all elements for CSV format.

Difference between simplified and custom types

Simplified and custom types of descriptions are suitable for most products.

Both types of descriptions are equally useful and provide the same degree of binding to product profiles and postings on Yandex.Market. However, the simplified type is more flexible, since the model and vendor elements are optional for it, whereas for the custom type they are mandatory.


Example of a single offer (offer) for YML format
<offer id="12341" available="true" bid="80">
    <option cost="300" days="1" order-before="18"/>
  <name>Мороженица Brand 3811</name>
    <h3>Мороженица Brand 3811</h3>
    <p>Это прибор, который придётся по вкусу всем любителям десертов и сладостей, ведь с его помощью вы сможете делать вкусное домашнее мороженое из натуральных ингредиентов.</p>
  <param name="Цвет">белый</param>
  <sales_notes>Необходима предоплата.</sales_notes>

Download an example of a completely filled out price list

Example for CSV format

Download a sample price list

List and description of elements of the simplified type

Elements that are specific to this type of description are used for generating the title of a product offer on Yandex.Market and affect how it is linked to the product profile.

Elements specific to the simplified description Description Required


Full offer name that includes: product type, manufacturer, and product name. Follow this format: what (type of product) + who (manufacturer) + product (model, name).

Required element.


Product model.

Optional element.


Manufacturer name.

Optional element.


Product manufacturer's code.

Optional element.

Standard elements Description Required


Offer ID. It may contain only numbers and Latin letters. Maximum length: 20 characters. Must be unique for each offer.

This is an attribute for offer.

Detailed element description.

Required element.


Attention. This element is obsolete. Use the bid element instead.

Optional element.


Bid amount.

This is an attribute for offer.

Detailed element description.

Optional element.


Product status:

true — “In stock” / “ready for shipment”

The product will be delivered by courier or to the pick-up point within the time you specified in your personal account. Yandex.Market will show a specific delivery time for the product.

false — “Custom”

The exact time of delivery by courier or to the pick-up point is unknown. The delivery period will be negotiated with the buyer on an individual basis (the maximum permitted delivery period is two months). Such product will be assigned the label "Custom" instead of the delivery time on Yandex.Market.

Attention. This element is used in addition to the data specified in your personal account. This element is not used when the delivery terms of the local courier service are configured in the price list (in any format).

This is an attribute for offer. If the element is not specified, the default value true is used.

Detailed element description.
Optional element.


URL of the product page on the store's website. The maximum link length is 512 characters. Cyrillic links are permitted.

Required element.


Up-to-date product price.

Note. If the product is sold by weight, length, and so on (not in pieces), specify the price for your unit of sale. For example, if you sell cable in coils, set the price per coil.

In some categories (if the price list is sent in YML format), it is acceptable to indicate the bottom of the price range (“from”) using the from="true" attribute.

View the list of categories

“Window-seats and benches”; “Bathrooms”; “Living rooms”

“Children's rooms”; “Children's dressers”; “Sofas”; “Offices”

“Cradles and bassinets”; “Chests of drawers”; “Computer tables”

“Chairs”; “Beds”; “Kitchen sets”

“Kitchen nooks and dining room sets”

“Playpens”; “School desks and chairs”; “Shelves”; “Entryways”

“Ottomans”; “Bedrooms”; “Racks”; “Tables and end-tables”

“Chairs and stools”; “Bedside tables”; “Cabinets”

For example: <price from="true">2000</price>

Required element.


The old price of the product should be higher than the current one. Yandex.Market automatically calculates the difference and shows users the discount.

Detailed element description.

Note. Discount information is updated on Yandex.Market every 40 to 80 minutes.

Optional element.

Attention. Only used in YML format.

Automatic calculation and display of discounts for offers.

Detailed element description.

Optional element.


The VAT rate for the product. It is used only if you enabled the upload of rates from the price list.

Possible values and detailed element description.

Optional element.


Product price currency: RUR, USD, EUR, UAH, KZT, BYN. The price and currency must match. For example, with USD the price should be specified in dollars, not rubles.

Note. The text format doesn't allow you to indicate your currency conversion conditions. Prices displayed to the buyer will be converted to the appropriate currency using the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Required element.


Attention. Only used in YML format.

Product category ID assigned by the store (an integer up to 18 digits long).

Required element.


Attention. Only used in CSV format.

Name of the product category.

Required element.


URL link to product image.

We recommend that you review the link and image requirements.

Required for some of the categories; see detailed element description


Courier delivery option for the store's region.

Possible values:

  • true — the product can be delivered by courier.

  • false — the product can't be delivered by courier (the customer must pick it up).

If the element is not specified, then a value is assigned by default. See detailed element description.

Optional element.


Attention. Only used in YML format.

Terms of courier delivery service for this product in the store's local region (types of delivery, period, cost).

If this element is not used, then the delivery terms for the store's local region must be set in your personal account.

Detailed element description.

Optional element.


Attention. Only used in CSV format.

Period (in days) for the product delivery by courier in the store's local region. Examples:

  • Delivery on the day of order (today): set the value to 0.

  • Next-day delivery (tomorrow): set the value to 1.

  • Delivery between 2 and 4 days: set the value to 2-4.

    Attention. When you specify a period as a range “from - to”, the difference between the minimum and maximum values should not be more than three days.

The maximum period that Yandex.Market shows is 31 days. If the value is set to 32 or more, the customer will see the message “Custom”.

Note. The delivery date can be specified in a file or set in your personal account.

Optional element.


Attention. Only used in CSV format.

Product courier delivery cost for the store's region. For free delivery, set the value to 0.

Note. The delivery cost can be specified in a file or set in your personal account.

Optional element.


Option to collect a product from a pick-up point.

Possible values:

  • true — the product is available for “pickup” at pick-up points.

  • false — the product is not available for pickup.

If the element is not specified, then a value is assigned by default. See detailed element description.

Optional element.


Option to purchase a product without a pre-order.

Possible values:

  • true — the product can be purchased without a pre-order.

  • false — the product cannot be purchased without a pre-order.

If the element is not specified, then a value is assigned by default. See detailed element description.

Optional element.


Offer description. Maximum text length is 3,000 characters (including punctuation marks). The following are not allowed in the description:

  • Phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses, ICQ numbers, instant messenger usernames, or any URL links.
  • The words “discount”, “sale”, “cheap”, “gift” (except for gift categories), “gratis”, “promotion”, “special price”, “free”, “new”, “equivalent”, “order”, “hit”.
  • Terms of sale of the product, such as information about promotions or prepayment (to be sent in the sales_notes element).
  • Region where the product is sold.
  • Information about different product modifications (for example, you cannot write “variations available”). Create a separate offer for each modification.

In YML format, you can use such XHTML tags as <h3>...</h3>, <ul><li>...</li></ul>, <p>...</p>, <br/>, provided that:

  • They are enclosed in a CDATA block in the format <![CDATA[ Текст с использованием xhtml-разметки ]]>.

  • They conform to the general rules of the XHTML standard.

Detailed element description.

Optional element.


  • This element is required if you have any purchase restrictions (for example, the minimum quantity of products or prepayment is mandatory).
  • You can also specify payment options, promotions and sales. In this case, the element is optional.

The text may be up to 50 characters in length.

Detailed element description.

See detailed element description.


Manufacturer's official warranty.

Possible values:

  • true — the product has an official warranty.

  • false — The product has no official warranty.

Optional element.


Product's country of origin.

A list of countries that can be specified in this element is available at:

Optional element.


The product is of a sexual nature or pertains to sexual interest in any way. Possible values: true, false.

Optional element.


Product manufacturer's barcode in one of the following formats: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, or UPC-E.

In YML, the offer element may contain multiple barcode elements.

Optional element.


All important characteristics of the product: color, size, volume, material, weight, age, gender, etc.

In YML, the offer element may contain multiple param elements (one param element stands for one characteristic).

Detailed element description.

For some categories this is a required element.

See detailed element description.


Product's period of use or expiration date.

The value must be in ISO 8601 format:

  • For the product's period of use: P1Y2M10DT2H30M. This represents 1 year, 2 months, 10 days, 2 hours and 30 minutes.

  • For the expiration date: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm.

Optional element.


Item weight in kilograms including packaging.

Some categories have limits on the minimum or maximum weight.

Download a list of minimum and maximum weight values.

In any category, the weight can be specified accurate to one thousandth (for example, 1.001, using a dot as a decimal point).

If the minimum value is set to 0, there is no minimum weight limit and it can be specified starting from one gram (0.001 kg).

Optional element.


Product dimensions (length, width, height) including packaging. Specify dimensions in centimeters.

Format: three positive numbers with accuracy of 0.001, using a dot as the decimal separator. The numbers must be separated by the slash character “/” without spaces.

Optional element.


The product can be downloaded. If true is specified, the offer is displayed in all regions.

Optional element.


Product's age category.

In CSV format:
You can only specify years. Acceptable values include: 0, 6, 12, 16, and 18.
In YML format:
  • Years are specified using the attribute unit with the value year. Acceptable values for the age parameter when unit="year": 0, 6, 12, 16, and 18.

  • Months are specified using the attribute unit with the value month. Acceptable values for the age parameter when unit="month": 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Optional element.

Attention. This element is used only in YML format and only in the following categories: Clothing, shoes and accessories, Furniture, Cosmetics, perfumes and personal care products, Children's goods, Portable electronics accessories.

This element is used in descriptions for all offers that are variants of a particular model; the elements should all have the same value. The element value must be an integer with no more than 9 digits.

This is an attribute for the offer element.

Optional element.