Documents for products subject to certification, declaration, and licensing

Be sure to provide documents if the products or services you advertise are subject to mandatory certification, registration, and/or licensing.

Types of goods and services, and the document list

Attention. List incomplete. Documents may be requested in other cases as well. Information on this page is subject to changes and additions.
  1. Alcoholic products
  2. Medicine
  3. Nutritional supplements
  4. Medical products
  5. Pharmaceutical. Pharmacies
  6. Articles resembling weapons
  7. Fireworks
  8. Intellectual property (copyrighted and patented objects)


The following products are accepted for placement on Yandex.Market:

  • OTC medicines.
  • Prescription drugs (medicines purchasable only with a doctor's prescription), that are not controlled substances.

Controlled substances are not accepted for placement on Yandex.Market.

To publish offers for medicines, provide copies of the following:

  • The registration certificate.

  • Declaration of conformity.

  • License for manufacturing of medicines with an appendix stating the manufactured medicinal product.

  • Pharmaceutical license.

If you want to deliver medicines, you need to provide additional evidence of permission for the distance selling of medicines.

Nutritional supplements

Provide a copy of the nutritional supplement registration certificate.

Medical products

Provide copies of the following:

  • The registration certificate.

  • Certificate or declaration of conformity.

  • License for the manufacture of medical devices (if applicable).

Pharmaceutical. Pharmacies

Provide a copy of your pharmaceutical license (including annexes).

Articles resembling weapons

Provide copies of certificates confirming that the advertised product is not a weapon.

Attention. Souvenir weapons are not considered to be items structurally similar to weapons, and are not accepted for placement on Yandex.Market.


To advertise pyrotechnical items in classes IV-V, you must provide copies of:

  • License for the manufacture of pyrotechnics (including annexes).

  • License to distribute Class IV-V pyrotechnics (including appendices).

  • Certificate or declaration of conformity.

To advertise pyrotechnic products in classes I–III, you must provide a copy of the certificate of conformity.

Intellectual property (copyrighted and patented objects)

The author or developer of the copyrighted object being advertised must provide copies of documents confirming their right to distribute these objects for public use.

How to submit documents

Submit copies of documents via the form below or by fax to +7 (495) 739-23-32 (with your store ID from your store account [your “Campaign number”]).

You must submit the copies within 10 days after receiving a request.

If you are already published on Yandex.Market and want to deliver medicines (with the requisite permissions), you can submit a request at any time.